The Feather

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Your name: Y/N
Your last name: Y/N
Eye color, hair color: E/C H/C

You moved from you small town, population of 3,000 people, to come to big cities and live your own life. You take up a job at a local coffee shop being the barista and waiting tables. "Y/N", you hear a very familiar voice call out to you from the entrance of the coffee shop. It was a friend from your old town. (Can be someone that you know or anyone you imagine) You wave as they come up to the counter to order, "Your regular I'm guessing?", you say as they lean against the countertop smiling. "You know it!", they say excitingly knowing that they love to watch you make their drink. "So, how has the city life been treating you lately?", they ask while taking a seat at the bar. You sigh relaxing yourself before you say anything, "You know, decent to say the least. It's beautiful none the less but after a while the traffic and honking gets to you." you say. After you finish making their drink you draw a smiley face on the side and give it to them. "Okay, how much do I owe you?" they say reaching for their wallet. You smile and say "You always know that it's on the house when I'm here, go on, you can owe me one later." They laugh and head towards the door waving bye to you. You laugh to yourself while you began to clean the machine.  In the corner of your eye you see a red figure fly by outside causing you to jump, but when you look around at the other customers in the shop it seems as if no one else saw it. Calming yourself, you say that it was just you imagination.

Once closing time came around you start to pack your things and head towards the front door. You open the door and the cool air hits your face relaxing you. It makes you think of the town you left behind. Looking up, you try to look for a few stars but none seem to be in sight. Sighing you lock the coffee shop door behind you, but once you turn back around you stop in your tracks. Looking down you spot a red feather on the ground in front of you, causing you to have a flashback to the figure you saw earlier that day. You look around to see if anyone else was around, seeing no one you take the feather and put it in your pocket. On your way home you start to feel uneasy and a little disturbed. You start to rush back home and run into your apartment complex, closing and being sure to lock the door behind you. Breathing heavily, you throw you bag onto the chair by the door and take off you jacket. You've kept this secret from you friends and only your parents know about this. You were born with black wings that had a simmer to them in the sunlight. Not wanting to be experimented on, you've always kept them hidden very well but once you got home you were able to stretch them out and get comfortable. You go back to your bag and get out the feather that you found. Inspecting it you see light simmers of bright oranges and dark reds, with the over all color being a scarlet red. "Who's could this be" you thought to yourself stroking the feather lightly. Seconds later you see something fly by your window, seeming like the same red figure as before. You go into attack mode, yet getting the same disturbed feeling as before when you were driving home. The feather in your hand shoots straight for you window, getting stuck in it and breaking the window. Slowly walking up to it, you see the figure from before but more defined in shape. It was a man with wings bigger wider than yours outside your window. He was about 5'9" and had the scarlet wings that matched the feather. It seemed as if he wanted it back, you didn't know what to do so in shock you took the feather out of your window and closed the blinds. Holding the feather to your chest backing away slowly. Once getting far enough away you run to your phone to call the police. Searching for your phone in you bag you hear a knock at the door. You stop in fear and stand as still as you possibly can. "Hey Y/N, it's (friend's name), and I brought tacos." A wave of relief rushes over you as you go to put on a hoodie to cover your wings. "I'll be there in a second." you call out to them in response. Walking to open your door you catch a glance at the feather now sitting on your couch, you rush to stuff it in you bag before opening the door. "TACOOSS!" you friend yells when you open the door. Shushing them and letting them in, they set the food on you kitchen counter and start unpacking the boxes. "You know you can't just yell when it's almost 11:30." you laugh as you pick up a taco. "Well it's Friday night, people should be clubbing not sleeping in." they roll their eyes before laughing along with you.
As you and your friend are having a conversation for hours, literally about anything, you glance at your bag that seems to be moving. It inches towards your living room window trying not to be noticed by you or your friend. "Hey, is everything okay?" your friend ask snapping you out of the trance that seemed to have your attention. "Oh uh- yea I'm fine." you say looking away from your bag. Looking at the time then looking at you friend you smile. "I know that look Y/N, what's on your evil little mind?" they say smirking. You reply, glancing at your bag, "You know what, let's go clubbing!". Your friend screams with excitement and grabs their bag pulling out a spare outfit. In confusion you ask "Did you just have that sitting in your bag or-" "You never know when you bestie is gonna say that we should go to the club a 1:34 in the morning. You always have to be prepared." You laugh going to your room to change.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of "Two birds of a Feather". I should hopefully be uploading about once a week if possible, and again thank you.
Leave any comments that you think might be helpful with the progression of this story😁

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