Chapter 14

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Since it was already a six year-old movie, the theater had less than 50 people inside. Even though the movie had English subtitles, Sana had a hard time catching up. Eric noticed this and started translating the lines for her. With this, Sana was able to laugh and cry with the movie.

Sana's high-pitched laughter caused shushing from the audience multiple times. When they got fed with it, they'd stare back at the other people. Sana noticed, however, that most of the audience were couples—holding hands, heads on shoulders, and some were even smooching. Her attention suddenly drifted away from the film.

Can I hold your hand and lean against you? Do you want to do that with me? She noticed that their knuckles were less than an inch apart. Eric's translations were suddenly like white noise. All she could think about were the questions What is this? What are we?

"Oh, this is my favorite part," Eric said, which snapped Sana back to reality. The screen showed the male protagonist driving with a smile on his face before the film cut to black. There was something about the song that was used that stuck with Sana.


As they walked back to Eric's car, Sana kept humming the movie's ending song.

"You know, Up Dharma Down sang the song as well," Eric mentioned. Sana tried to remember who they were, but Eric was already ahead of her. "Remember the song 'Sana'? That was them, too."

Sana suddenly remembered that it's the song, that used her name, that brought them to this moment, even after a 10-year absence. "Oh, right. By the way, can you play the whole song now?" Sana teased.

He looked at her, faking offense. "Come on, I can't be in a band if I couldn't complete a single song!" Sana slowly clapped, with an amused expression.

"I was able to complete it...a few days after you left," Eric added.

Sana didn't know what to say, so she just nodded. The only thought in her head was why this date was riddled with opportunities for awkwardness. Deep inside, she already knew the answer. There were a lot of things that still needed to be addressed, even after a decade.

"Sana," Eric started. "I'm sorry I didn't see you off when you left for Japan."

Despite the simplicity, his apology lifted a huge thorn off Sana's chest. The biggest hurdle has now been crossed.

She decided to start off easy. "It's okay. I remember that you had schoolwork that day."

Eric shook his head. "Actually, I didn't." Sana was surprised, not by the revelation but the honesty. "I just...I-I'm not good with goodbyes, especially with someone I was very close with."

The evening drizzle quickly picked up, so they huddled at the nearest shed they could find. Eric offered a handkerchief.


"Anyway, it's better that you didn't transl—"

"I did. Well, Dahyun did. It's a long story."

They both looked at each other, but immediately pulled away from each other's gaze, scrambling to look for something else.

"I must admit that what you did really sucked. It was a good thing, though—I kept myself busy for years, just focusing to get to where I am now." Sana wasn't berating him, she just wanted her story heard. "Whenever you came into my mind, I kept telling myself that it's just a phase," Sana continued, catching her breath in between phrases.

"I'm really—"

Sana stopped him. "Wait. I want to tell you everything."

She took a series of deep breaths to recompose herself. "Back in 2019, I was already okay with you. I just wanted to reconnect with you, like old friends would. I was kinda offended when I couldn't reach you," she chuckled and started sniffing. "But it also told me that I should really let go, and I did."

Her eyes started to well, which unsettled Eric. He never knew how to comfort someone in tears.

"Then Dahyun just had to translate the note," Sana heaved before continuing. "And that's the main reason why I came back, because I just want to know..."

Her tears started trickling down her cheeks, which irritated her because the more she tried to stop herself from crying, the more they fell.

"...if you still feel the same way you did when you wrote that note."

Eric was dumbfounded, unable to do or say anything.

"It's okay if you don't," Sana added, furiously wiping her tears. "Because, as you can clearly see," she tried to smile as a last resort. "I moved on just fine."

And then she broke down and bawled. She wasn't even sure if she cried because of the pain from the past, or because she feared risking it all for nothing. Feeling hopeless, she just covered her face with the plaid shirt.

Suddenly, she felt her hands bump against something. A hand cupped the base of her skull, and the other held her back tightly. In Eric's embrace, Sana let go of everything.

"Yes, I still do."

Sana could feel Eric's jaw moving as he uttered those words, which stopped her from sobbing. She realized that this was the closest point of contact they've shared.

"I would have been alright if I never heard from you again, but it would be a lie if I never asked for chances to make it right with you." His hold on her tightened.

Her head pulled away from his chest, and she looked at him, swollen eyelids and all. Eric wiped the snot leaking from her nose, and she immediately turned away, embarrassed.

"Don't. That's gross," Sana said as she flinched. Eric shook his head, saying it's not a big deal.

"Anyway, let's go home," she urged as she noticed that the rain had already stopped.


The ride back home was quiet, except for the radio playing music.

Eric kept trying to steal glances at Sana, who just kept staring outside the window. He wanted some sort of reaction to what he just said but, seeing that she just poured her heart out, he kept mum.

The radio played a tune that's very familiar to Sana—"Fancy". She immediately switched the station, startling Eric.

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing, just wanted to hear something else." The truth is, she was trying her damnedest to appear as a commoner.


As they got back to the boarding house, Eric walked Sana to her door.

"You're leaving tonight, right?"

"Uhm, yeah. I still have to work for this week," Eric replied.

"Well, you better get going. Thanks for today. Good night," she said with a faint smile.

As she was about to face the door, Eric held her wrist.

"Sana, can we..." he paused as Sana's eyes met his. "Can we...start over again?"

Almost every light in the compound has already been turned off. Eric, hoping for a favorable response, noticed the moonlight glistening off Sana's cheeks.

"No, I don't think we can," she answered before turning the doorknob.

Our Song ( Sana x Fictional Male Character)Where stories live. Discover now