Since Birth

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Me and jake have been best friends since birth. We would do every thing together and we both loved it like that.
I came thrugh the world theu sual way. Born in nice, France. When I was born they knew there was something wrong with me. Turns out, I had a tumor. *Yay* They took it out and ever since then I have had to take 12 pills a day. When I was 6 months old I moved to L.A. My familygot to know the neihbors especially tour next door neihbour, the Kastles. Theres a boy that lives there, hes a year older then me. His name it Jake and has an older sister Mel.

.......................................................................................................................................................................My family is tipical. I have 2 siblings and I am the youngest. My older sister Alyssa and my older brother Evan. Ever since my parents met his family, when I turned 1 year old my mom and his mom forced us to hangout. We grew up together. We built forts, pranked our familys together, played and sleptover. (he slept in our guest room and I would enter his room and then we would go downstairs and wached tv...) We have been Best friends for 14 years, yes, that means im 14 and he is 15. He knows about my tumor and is always taking care of me.

Enough of him. My best friend thats a girl is Kaitlyn. I call her Kay. I've known her since I wasin grade one. I knoe Jakes friends well as well. His best guy friend is Kaiden. 

I am a straight A student, play rep hockey, play rep basket ball to. But I end up missing practice and games alot because of my stupid tumor. Well thats life I guess. 

About my Stupid tumor.

If it starts acting up I need to go to the doctors and can't leave for a week. I also cant go on tirps for over a month till my head heals. I go to a school called Tribecca prep. I end up missing many weeks but I always catch up.

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