shikamaru x alternative reader

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 It was a hot day in the new village you had moved to a couple days ago. Your parents had come here because they are shinobi and it may be a bit easier to do missions come back home and still spend time with you you were a bit sad about the outcome tho you would miss your band members who you probably won't see in years if you're lucky

'Time skip'

You had put in some earbuds and began to listen to so what (the song above) it was from one of your favorite punk bands at the time as you got ready. You put on some dickies, a spike belt and a band t-shirt (of the dead kennedys) along with a black zip up hoodie you grabbed your guitar and strap it to your back. walked out of your empty house (your parents are on a mission)and just walked around checking out the village earning some weird stares as you did so. Your hair was half (h/c) on one side and half (h/c) on the other, and you had a septum piercing along with a bridge piercing and some snake bites. That was probably the cause of the staring issue.

You had finished looking at the village and began to walk over to a grassy field with some trees scattered every here and there and you at under one and grabbed your guitar and you began to play some music softly. This was training for you because you had your guitar as a support item. When you played music and ha a person in mind to affect that person would hear that song and or noise you played and a ear piercing tune would replace the music everybody else around who wasn't meant to be effected heard normally driving them insane so it would be easier to dispose of them you began to play the song something in the way (nirvana)

Softly singing the lyrics and swaying back and forth


Shikamaru's POV

I Heard some music coming from the place that me and choji would train together in.

'Something in the way'


'Something in the way, yeah'


"Hey shikamaru do you hear that music?" choi said while eating a bag of chips

"Yeah, i do.. Who is it tho..?"

"I don't know.."

We looked around until spotting a kid around my age playing music on a guitar.

"Who's that?" choji said still stuffing his face "is it that new kid."

"Maybe, imma go ask."

I began walking over to them


I was so caught up singing I didn't see some id with pineapple hair walking towards me.


I heard somebody say as i finished singing

"Oh uhhhm hii...?" you said looking a bit uncomfortable "Can i help you..?"

"Yeah aren't you that new kid?"

"Oh uh yeah why?"

Oh thats what I figured.., I'm Shikamaru, and that's my friend choji over there."

He pointed t choji across the field

"Oh, well im (y/n) nice to meet you."

You both just smiled at each other

To be continued.................

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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