the kid in your neighborhood

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"No no no, you can't do this to me, you really can't,I called earlier"I tried to sound calm and composed.

"Yes ma'am,but it's been 2 hours already"

"Ma'am this is... hello.. hello"

She cut the call,aaaaaaaaargh, am so angry..

"Why are people so mean to me.?" What to do,I don't have what to eat and I can't go out either,all I asked was pizza,just one pizza,is that too much to ask.?

I yawned and lazily dragged myself up from the bed,this is one of those times where I question science,so y'all are trying to tell me no scientist out the have taught of a way for me to brush my teeth from my bed,huh,this is hilarious because I know it's not as complex as inventing a dishwasher,that is like mocking God,who needs a dishwasher when we have two hands,two working hands..what was the inventor thinking, it's all wasted effort just like my life,he would have invented robots instead cuz they are way better than humans,they won't hurt you or abandon you.
   Am not the type to over think things but this dishwasher guy is like...

  Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

"Oh my god!"I jumped at the sound of my phone,jeez that scared me,I didn't order anything online,I leaned in to look at the caller and almost choked on my toothpaste,I quickly rinsed off my mouth..

   Talk about giving me headache..

   "H-hello"I whispered standing up straight Even if I didn't need to.

" Olly  I just got good news,start dancing., sorry liv."she corrected,i just stood there inside my old bathroom,numb, staring at my reflection in the mirror,I told her not call me olly,that's what my mom used to call me,I hate that name and everything associated with it,Stacy Is the kind of person to tell you one story hundred times in a row, you Know like those grandfathers that repeat war stories every single time you sit for dinner,not to talk of when you mistakenly have a guest over,the stories are not annoying saying it all the time is what makes it annoying,my point is Stacy is your typical "trending girl",and am not,am everything she is not,she is everything am not..
  All shades of wrong..

  "Ok don't say anything just Listen..,so do you know Almond  Inc,I bet you do I mean their boss is the super handsome Xavier black,so I heard from a reliable source that they need a game designer,old one was fired,so I thought to myself "do I know game designer..?" Then I realized I know you and your a game designer..I know,no need to thank me your welcome"

  "A-am-am not doing it."I quickly added slowly

"What!,Liv what are you saying,I already submitted your  application and CV, interview is tomorrow, please don't do this to me"she pleaded in a high pitched voice

"I-i really can't,I can't work there ,plus I haven't designed a game in 2yrs"I tried to say,I cant, interview means people,I hate people, people hate me,we are even ,I can't go there pretending am needed there

"Liv that's not a probly,we can work round that,I can prepare a presentation for you if you want"

"It's not t-that ,I d-dont want to do it"

"Liv seriously did you forget your pills,Am talking about Xavier black here, you know,the Xavier that owns Almond Inc, ok forget him,that company pays good money, opportunity to work for Almond Inc, doesn't just come,we need the money, I lost my job at the bar last month,I haven't gotten another one since,am totally broke,my rent expired last month,I have this month to pay or move out,I don't have anyone to help me now,just you, there is no harm in trying,at least try then fail,but then I would know you tried"

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