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You:Okay,we're going to study now.
Your dad started whispering.
Dad:A study date?!
Mom:Oh come on Arthur.They are just going to study.You should make them something.
Dad:You're right...
You two sat for a table.You were sitting next to each other.Your hands were touching a little bit.
You:Okay so what you don't understand?
Konoha:Inequalities are confusing me so much.
Then he showed you his exam.
You:Oh...You really did it bad...
Konoha:I know right.
You showed him what he has to do and he got it really quick.
You:See.You're doing it perfect!
Konoha:Thanks.I wanted to ask you will you come-
You:To the match at Friday?Yes!
Konoha giggled.
You:Can I come to the practice too?
You smiled.
Mom:Here are two milkshakes for you two!
You:Thank you mom!
Konoha:Thank you Mrs.Alisa.
Your mom patted Konoha's head.
Mom:You're so cute!
Konoha blushed a little bit.
Konoha:T-Thank you.
You two drunk your milkshakes and went to the park.
You:So when did you start to play volleyball?
Konoha:Ah I don't know...Maybe at the first year.
You:Really?Cool!I played volleyball too.
Konoha:Wait,really?You never told that.
You:Yea...I don't talk about it too much...Um...

Konoha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now