Chapter ten: Fool doesn't pick up the phone.

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Mia's POV

"What the heck is it now MacKenzie you have me worked up here. Spit it out."
Austin said literally trying to contain his frustration inside.

On the other side MacKenzie or whatever her name is takes a deep breath and then continues "Okay so I am a part of the board members from Pendleton's & CO, And the crisis is that on Monday right before our meeting with the two of we had a meeting with Dominic Black the CEO of Black Enterprises. He had come to offer us a deal which said that he wanted to make us leave your particular companies and work for him and in return he would offer us a triple payment of what you were paying us and all of that nonsense. He told us that this morning he would come to office and hear our final decision on the deal."

I could visibly see that Austin was having a hard time keeping his cool. He jaw was clenched and I could literally see flames in his eyes like Ares. He was going to loose control any minute now, so I interlaced my fingers with his and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"This morning when he came to the office we told him that we had chosen against his offer and we politely declined it, but he was clearly not pleased and Elijah was in fear that he might cause some harm. So we had security get him out of the office. We DIDN'T say anything to provoke him or any of that crap. After that things went pretty well until few minutes ago we found out that someone has embezzled a lot of money from our combined company funds. I am pretty sure that Dominic could not have done anything like that on his own there has to be someone inside the company that is leaking out information to him. "

"And that person has to be someone who has data of both the companies, because the money was embezzled from both the companies accounts. And moreover instead of one person it can also be two or more people.e together but honestly I don't understand why someone would do this to us. Huh. That is all of now." She said finishing up her ramble.

"Can you please ask Elijah to join in as well MacKenzie." I asked.

"Oh Elijah! That guy is literally panic-stricken right now. Ha! Here he is." She said.

"Elijah, don't let anyone know about this atleast for now. Let them continue the work for the project right now don't stop the progress. Tomorrow when I come to the office we will talk about this matter in person." I wasn't even done when Austin spoke up cutting me off.

"The two of you tomorrow meet up with the two of us, and bring along Charlie, Geneva and Lucas, if you want you can also ask Alexa to tag along. Don't tell anyone about this. And we will not meet at office, we don't want to be overheard now do we? We will meet somewhere outside, so Meet us straight at the place about which I will tell you later, take the day off tomorrow... your choice. Okay. Till then we will think over this and also bring along all the papers and finance records of the past few months and the list of employees okay. Now we will talk about this matter tomorrow itself. Until then no discussions. Bye." And the jackass cut the call. That was quick.

"Well things escalated pretty quickly. I was honestly not expecting this. Embezzlement that is a whole new level. I mean honestly is that how Dominic is going to get back at us. On top of that we can't even let our funds fall down with a new major project which is upcoming. Well great! Everything if going fucking great!!!" I let out an exasperated sigh.

Austin spoke up. "You know anyone that could help us. Someone who has a knack for solving stuff like this and someone who can maybe hack into our main servers and remove all the data, files and find out more data." After listening to Austin A sudden popped into my mind.

"I KNOW JUST THE RIGHT PERSON TO HELP US!! But I am not sure you will be much happy with my choice. But who cares." I said with a newfound spirit.

Just then I saw Melaine come hopping out of the shop and I signaled Austin to fill her up with the recent occurrences. He reluctantly did as I said. He is still afraid of her afterall she got him hospitalized for a week.

I tried calling Sean's brother as in my high-school best mate Carson Johnson. I literally called him atleast seven times before giving up. This fool literally never does pick his phone up. Whatever I can't help it, so I will after go for option two.

I quickly called Nate. "Nate have you already left the mansion?" I asked hoping not.

"Nope we still be waiting for our moms to come down with their luggage."
"Okay so now quick to my work room and open my laptop. Quick!"
"Huh? Yeah done, now what?"

"Open mails and send a mail to Carson Johnson my friend from high-school or the so called Sean's brother. In the mail put the Subject as urgent in capitals and bold. Then in the context write down somethings which asks him to meet me tomorrow in the morning at 11 am, and for the location ask him to call me personally. And yes ask him to bring his laptop along. And in the post script ask him to answer his phone from next time onwards. Okay?"

"Okay got that. But for what are we doing this? You know you have a lot of explaining left to do as it is."

"Yep, I know and I will tell you the rest of it when you come back from the trip. Okay now bye. And have a safe trip. Bye."
"Bye, love ya."
"Love you too" and I cut the call, not realizing that Austin had told something to me while I was on the call. And I had just absently nodded my head pretending to hear what he said. Great!

I looked around to see all of them already getting in the car and I quickly got inside behind them which ended up in me seating between Sebastian and Austin. What a day. Adela said that we were heading towards a nice five star hotel for lunch, not that we had any choice. Thay said it would take about 45 minutes and I was goddamn hungry so I opened my box of strawberries and started munching on them. Well looks like I wasn't the only one who was hungry.

After finishing three strawberries I found Austin stealing one of my luscious Chocolate covered strawberries, so I swatted his hand away giving him a mean look. To which he just pouted back in return. I refused from letting him even touch my strawberries. But when he showed me those awfully cute puppy eyes I just couldn't say a no. So I lethim have a share. By the time we finished the strawberries Sebastian had taken a short nap and had woken up.

Time skip--

We had a nice lunch and then we went ahead to watch a nice movie, which we are currently in the middle of. Well thats when a nice romantic scene comes and my mobile starts vibrating. Satan's calling *sarcasm to be noted*.

Wel it was Carson, so I picked up the phone and asked Austin to join me outside. Once out of the theater I spoke up.

"Well hello 'Mr. too lazy to pick up a call' how are you doing. "
"Yeah well I dont appreciate you giving me a new name. And according to me this is the 99th name that you have given me yet. Just one more to go woman and then the umpire shouts 'IT'S A CENTURY BY MIA PEREZ!' "

"Whatever, now why did you call?" I asked rolling my eyes. By now my eyes should have rolled to the back of head considering the amount of eye rolls i have given in the past few days.

"The location, where we are supposed to meet tomorrow morning bitch."

"Language mister." Austin chimed in. And I raised my eyebrow towards him. He snapped his mouth shut.

"Who dis be??" Carson asked.

"Well about that we are meeting up at university campus at 11 in the morning and this is Austin Pendleton speaking."
I nodded in conformation. Wait! what??? Did he say uni campus. Oh boy no.

"Oh... Pendleton" Carson said surprised. He ought to be.
"Anyways meet the two of you tomorrow have a good day. Bye" and Carson hung up.

And I turned to face Austin. Demanding an explanation as to why he chose that particular venue.

"Well you see Mia, that was the most convenient place. No would even catch us there. Completely safe. And don't worry nothing will happen there. Its been five years. So take a breath and don't worry. I am there, so just ry to trustme this once. And see now have Johnson and Melaine with you this time as well. And its notlike you will meet her there anyways. Chances are pretty slim. And you didn't have problem with that when I told about the venue earlier" he said. And walked back into the theater.

And then it struck me. He had told me about the venue when I was on the call with Nathaniel. Yeah well Shit is about go down is all I can say.  And with that I entered the theater with another bucket of popcorn.


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Brooklyn Amelia Parker.

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