Chapter 10

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His last kill was over a week ago and Vasquez was getting restless and sitting in the empty apartment did nothing to help calm his nerves. The old woman’s body, her blood, her pain had done little to quench his apparently unquenchable thirst.

I didn’t spend enough time with her; he rationalized with his own mind.

“That’s because you’re stupid and attacked her in the middle of the day,” he told himself.

I did what I had to do, you know that.

“You should have waited and planned it better.” He was always the voice of reason in these arguments.

The next one will be better. You’ll see.

He huffed at himself and stood up from the bed, pacing the length of the bedroom with his long legs. His fingers intertwined with each other and then quickly released themselves from their grasp.

What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I control this? I used to be so good-

“Shut up! You’re a monster and you need to act like one!” He shook his head, frustrated with the arguing going on in his mind. “I need to do better; I have to do better. On the next one.”

The next one is only a preparation for the final one, his devil told him. My last one, my grand finale, will be my lasting mark on this world.

“Who could ever measure up to her?”

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