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No words were uttered from the Doctors, to the car, to Bonnie's home. It was pure silence. And i hated it, loathed it all. The magnolia. Those two words had fallen from Kai's lips and had sent me spiraling. How utterly enraged he had been whilst i pondered over the possibilities.

The lies, the deceit, the fact that Kalani was no where to be found. It all tossed and turned in my mind leaving only the fact that i was at a loss. I had lost. And i didn't lose. 

"I wan't them dead." The words left my lips a hollow statement, barren of anything that i was feeling aside from blinding rage. 

Bonnie's attention snapped to me, her eyes sorrowful and dull. I wanted to scream, cry, laugh at my naivety. But i could only stare at Kai. The only one who could possibly fathom my pain, the only one who could provide me with what i wanted.

I wouldn't call it revenge, i would call it returning the favor.

"Azalea-" Bonnie began only to be silenced by the shattering of her kitchen lights.

"Don't! Don't tell me to calm down, to think things through. I thought, i fucking thought a lot Bonnie. I thought i was going to be a mother, to be happy. I didn't think about this." I shuck my head standing with a mocking laugh. What had I possibly done to deserve this?

"I felt them Bonnie. Tricked and deceived by magic, i was desperate. I feel like I've lost them, only for them to have never been there...." I grit my teeth clenching my fists, i only noticed i was drawing blood when Gumbo began to whimper.

"I wan't them dead, all of them. Are you in the position to grant me that?" I ignored Bonnie's pleading look and glanced stoically to Kai. He forced a grin to his face.

"The world is yours baby.

"Then help me conquer it." He nodded walking over, i gripped him with everything i had. Pain, sorrow, vengeful spite and the one that seemed to be rooted deep, rage. His arms wrapped around me with the same passion, as if we were both an illusion, to be ripped away without a second glance.

"Please Azalea, i know your hurting, i know the baby was real to you- Just remember i can't afford to lose you." Bonnie grasped my shoulder before me and Kai could get out the room. I looked to it in disdain, comfort wasn't what i needed. It never had been, not from her.

"It's unfortunate that we never get the choice of who we lose." I tugged my self out of her grip and walked hastily to my car, Gumbo following in a swift motion.

"Kai." She called out. He stopped to listen.

"Make sure you bring her back to me okay?

"Of course i will."


It's a hard pill to swallow, when you have no upper hand. But it's a drug to know that soon you will be the only player left on the board. The Magnolia may have thought they had won, Kalani may have thought she had succeeded but she hadn't, they hadn't. They had only awoken a person i had left behind, indefinitely.

With the death of one, one had risen.

Only no one wanted to see the person i was ever again. Because it was dangerous. The immunity to shame or guilt, the recklessness and drive to get what i want. It was a mixture that i knew would be the end of me or them. I was determined for it to be the latter.

"I thought we were untouchable, that loss wasn't something we were to endure. I loathed the idea of falling beneath someone or surrendering. I knew these to be the aspects of a Gemini, but today-... Today i lost something and in doing so a part of me." My eyes glanced over the sea of Gemini, the news had spread and the faces i saw were a mixture of rage and sorrow.

"I have been struck but i intend to hit back harder, to eradicate a threat to me and my family, to you all. I know most of our interactions have been in the name of our shared magic but now i ask you not as your leader but as your friend, to help avenge our name. To start a war and finish it in a day." I closed my mouth eyes raking over the crowd for their reactions.

I nearly sighed out audibly when they began to stand.

"We are with you."

"Let's get it started."

"Your a Gemini, now until the end."

I glanced to Kai who was smiling at me, he stepped forward intertwining our hands before addressing the room himself.

"By the end of tomorrow The Magnolia will no longer be a name in the history books, the witches will no longer breath and their magic will cease to exist, preventing anything like this from occurring again. Show no mercy, spare no life." He turned leading me from the stage, the witches in the room began to disperse.

I felt the soft grip of a hand latch onto my arm, i turned my attention to it, ceasing my steps away from the podium. When i looked over my shoulder i hadn't expected to see the person i did.

"I'm sorry about this, everything that happened to you. I know we aren't even friends but i do know that this shouldn't have happened. You saved me from the wolves, it would be an honour to fight for you tomorrow." Mable stood, eyes watery as she let the words slip off her tongue, before pulling me into a hug i never expected to receive from her.

I blinked taken back before returning the hug. She sighed audibly.

"As much as i hate to admit it, you are a great leader and i suppose family. Meaning when the time comes, I'll give it everything i have." She nodded wiping under her eyes.

"Thank you Mable." I replied before Kai wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me from the building.

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