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Of course, happiness could only last a few days. We had a job to do and witches to find. Despite the fact i had a major desire not to. So, we stood a huddle of vampires and witches before an old elegant building, that had aged poorly might i add.

It sounded desolate, creaking in ways a building shouldn't. However, i knew that inside was what we had been searching for. The Misfit coven. Oddly named but then again i did belong to the Gemini. Which wasn't much better. 

I get the whole two, twin thing but couldn't they have been a little more creati-

"We go in pairs. Hybrid and pocket square, blonde one and Kyle and then obviously you and me babe." Kai stopped his speech to turn and wink at me before continuing.

"We only have one shot at this, i don't want to have to chase these witches in the case that we lose them, so use your brain before your teeth. Make sure they are dead." I watched as Klaus rolled his eyes muttering his unbridled hatred. 

"I don't need a lecture on how to kill people, Azalea love, lead the way." I nodded letting a small smirk plaster onto my face as i turned on my heel and sent the doors flying from there hinges. Kai was quick to make his way before me, no look of hesitancy on his face as he walked straight into what could be a trap.

Thankfully, the only sound that could be heard was the frantic patter of foot fall on the next level. So, the witches knew we were here. A minor set back if anything after all we hadn't been subtle at all.

The vampires were quick to speed up the stairs, Kai being the mindful leader he claimed to be, scouted the bottom floor. That way no one could escape. I followed behind him, glancing over my shoulder from moment to moment, an insurance no one was going to sneak up on us and get the jump. I heard nothing.

No slyness of a sneaky witch, no drawl of enchantment. There was nothing.

Until there was something

I didn't believe my ears for the briefest moment. Refused to be tricked into such a sense of falseness. I ignored it. Following Kai blindly. It never stopped.

The soft cry of a baby. 

I shook my head, angered. Who knew? Who was playing with my mind? 

Raggedly i tore away from Kai's path. Following it. All in search for the one who dared to play with such things. What witch knew? Perhaps it was just my mind. Maybe i had finally caved under pressure. 

The house was buzzing with magic, tendrils of all sorts wrapping around old wooden pillars and layering into the bricks. It sent my head spinning, the further and further i walked down one singular narrowed hallway. The air became chilled before it became freezing. I knew then no magic warmed this end of the house. 

Those cries became justified. 

When i opened the door, after the briefest moment of hesitancy, after my warm breath had halted and lingered in the air, what i saw had my mind snapping. There sat in the cold of a run down and beaten nursery was everything i had lost and more.

I refused it blatantly. Even debated on leaving the room. After all the door was still open, i could leave. Never look back to this mind game. Never suffer.

Until they cried again.

I peered closer, moving the small flimsy blanket hovering over one baby, to reveal another. Tear streaked cheeks and frost cold fingers. They buzzed with magic and my mind screamed at me.

It's fake. It's glamour. It's a trap.

And still, i moved closer. When my skin met theirs i knew the reason for their tears. They were so cold, pained by it. Hungry, tired, scared. I didn't think much. Grasping one up in a moment of weakness. 

Playing into the trap.

And yet the room still buzzed with light breath, no claws reaching out to snag me. I peered over my shoulder before reaching down to the other. I pulled them close to my chest, heart screaming to except that this was not real, i could feel the magic buzzing at my touch. Still, i wrapped them tightly to me, covering that cold skin with what ever i could. Rubbing their frail arms for friction.

Their tears never stopped, only one problem sated for the moment. 

I seemed to have forgotten mine with them in my arms. The house had gone from that low buzz to an uproar. Wood cracked and walls splintered and screams rang. But i smiled. How could i not.

They were everything i had looked forward to. They needed me. Even if only for a moment. 

She had curls of brown, eyes as hazel as my own, clouded by tears. And he was bundled with with locks of his own, eyes as blue as crystals. Their cheeks were red, not in the way they should have been, not with joy and contentment but from crying themselves to pain, from the cold forcing the blood to their face. 

"Azalea!" I turned from my haze watching a witch be thrown from the stairs, back smashing harshly against the floors. Weakly they began to stand. I cradled the babies closer to me. With barely any thought i twisted my hand muttering small words under my breath.

The witch fell again though this time he would not get up. 

Klaus rushed into the room, eyes trained on the man before turning to me. I don't know why, didn't understand it in the moment but when he stepped closer i shielded my self away, speaking words i hadn't meant to say.

"Please don't take them." In confusion he stopped, glancing to make sure we were alone once more. 

"Love, what's wrong? What do you have? I won't take it." He crept closer, taking a breath i nodded. When i turned back his eyes fell down, widening at the prospect.

"Do you see them to?" I asked, so desperate tears welled.

"Of course i do but their heart beats aren't as strong as they should be." He can hear their hearts.

Strive // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now