Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I wake up to my alarm blaring. I slam my hand down on it and it stops. I sit up and rub my eyes, time to get ready for school today. I get out of bed and head to my conjoined bathroom. I look at my reflection, my natural red and brown hair, very dull. My left blue eye and purple right eye, no life left in them. (The reason for my purple eye color is a story for another time) I got into the shower and washed myself as quickly as I could. I get out, put my hair up in a towel and dry my body off.

I pick out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a red hoodie, my classic black converse, and a red Ombre beanie. I throw it on, careful of my ribs which are sore. I grab my phone off the charger and saw it was 6:38 am. I needed to get going or Im going to be late. I grab my headphones, and my backpack and run downstairs, I throw together a pot of scrambled eggs for my father and leave. I plug my headphones in and play my favorite band, Black Veil Brides. I get an alert on my phone about the Avengers, I smile, Hawkeye was always my favorite. The Blip happened 4 years ago and everyone is doing much better, me on the other hand life got worse and here is why

The Blip happened and I disappeared but my father didnt. He said he has the best years of his life, then I came back. Ever since he has been hitting me blaming me for my mothers death. The day everyone came back from The Blip my mother was hit by a car looking for me. Last night he kicked me and I think he cracked a rib because its black and purple.

I finally make it to school at 7:03. I am 17 minutes early so I sit underneath this really big tree outside my school. I lay my head back and suddenly sit up fast, I open my phone camera and see I forgot to put foundation on my black eye. I rummage through my bag and its not there, I use my fingers to brush my hair into a style that covers it as best as I could. I was getting ready to lean my head back and take a quick nap when students were showing up like school was about to start, I looked at my phone and see it has only been 4 minutes since I sat down so we have a bit before class starts.

I follow kids to the auditorium and sit in a seat. Suddenly Spiderman comes out on stage and my mouth drops, what is he doing here!?!? No one seemed shocked though, I looked around and kids were looking at me weird. He starts talking, he says

"Today is our 6th week in a row of meeting and training to see if you could one day be an Avenger. " Suddenly this kid stood up behind me and yelled while pointing at me

"Shes not supposed to be here!" Everyone looked at me and someone runs up the aisle and I see it is Captain America, he holds his hand out for me and says

"Come with me Ma'am." My mouth drops but I stand up but dont grab his hand, I hate physical contact. All the Avengers step out on stage and were watching me, I looked at my feet as I walked and let my hair become a curtain. The hair on the back of my neck raises and alerts me I am being watched. We make it to backstage and Captain America said

"Sit in this chair. He pointed to a chair." I sit and He grabs another and sits in front of me and asks "How did you find out about this meeting if you havent been here before?" I dont look up at him but I respond with

"I got to school earlier than normal and was sitting outside and saw a bunch of kids walking inside, so I followed." I hear someone clear their throat and say

"Cap, its your turn." I hear him get up and someone came and sat where he was. It was silent for a couple minutes before someone says "My name is Hawkeye." It took everything in me to not look up. He cleared his throat and said "Can you look at me?" I shook my head, he would see the bruise despite my hair covering it. "Why?" I started messing with the holes in my pants and my phone suddenly rings. I went to grab it but Hawkeye got to it first. He must have read it and said "Your father is calling you." I forget my bruise and snap my eyes to his and snatch my phone out of his hand. I answer it and immediately my father starts yelling

"Only eggs! Wheres the bacon and sausage? Did you eat it all fat ass?" I answer

"No sir, I didnt have time to make it, I am sorry sir." I glance at Hawkeye to my left and he has this confused look on his face. My father says

"Whatever whore, get your ass home right now before I come pick you up." Before I can answer he hangs up, I grab my backpack and keep my head down. I say to Hawkeye

"I have a family emergency, I have to go home now." I start to walk away but run into someone, I glance up and see Thor. I shoot my head back down and say Excuse me, I need to leave. Thor says

"Sorry but I can only let you leave if I escort you home." I nodded and he moved out of the way. I started walking and he followed. I got to my house and without looking up said

"Bye." I finally look up and see my father glaring at me, my eyes widen and Thor says

"If you need anything you know where to find me." I dont look at him as I walk up to my father. As Im walking by him to get to the door my father leans into my ear and whispers

"I have a surprise for you inside." My eyes widen again as I know that it could be nothing good. My father walks in behind me and slams the door as soon as he gets in. I see a ton of chemicals, and tools on the counter. I turn to look at my father and he smirks at me and says "You either get to die or make me loads of money." He grabs me by my hair and drags me to the kitchen. I get thrown to the floor hit my head really hard, everything becomes blurry I manage to say

"Why father, what have I done to you?" He grabs me by my throat and forces a chemical down my throat and I gag as it burns. He throws me down and I scream. He grabs my ankle and he drags me closer to him, he shoves a knife in my stomach and I scream until I pass out.

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