Chapter 3

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Its been several hours and the Avengers have set up a camp fire down below me. Someone says

"Are you thirsty, or hungry?" I don't reply but Vision comes up next to me with some food and water for me. He hands the stuff to me and I ask.

"Its not drugged is it?" From below Bruce Banner aka The Hulk asks

"Your voice sounds scratchy, are you ok?" My eyes start to water but I nod to Vision to let him know he can go back down. I open the sandwich and eat it, I drink the water too. I started to get cold so I tried to warm myself up but accidentally ripped open my leg and stomach wounds and I started bleeding a lot. I heard my blood drip from branch to branch until it hit Thor in the head. It would have been funny if the world hadn't started spinning. He stood up and saw it was blood, he almost yelled

"Everyone, get up! She's bleeding!" Everyone jumps up and Hawkeye says

"That's it, I'm coming to get you!" I hear him start climbing and finally he reaches me, my eyes are drifting closed and he is next to me. He sees my face and puts his hand on my cheek. I try to lean away but I wince as it pulls on my stomach. He looks down and sees where the blood is soaking through, he uses his grappling hook arrow and picks me up carefully and lowers us down. I hear chatter but my eyes start closing, I am so tired. I feel myself get laid down. I feel pressure being applied to my stomach and leg. I hear Bruce say

"We need to get her medical attention now!" I am picked up and suddenly I am flying, Thor must have grabbed me. I open my eyes a bit and see it was Tony in his suit, he says

"Keep your eyes open kid, you're gonna be ok. Just hold on for a little bit longer." I whisper

"My father gave me abilities on accident while trying to kill me." Tony said

"What!?!?" I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

*Time skip 3 days*

I hurt everywhere, I started to open my eyes but a bright light shone so I closed them again. Suddenly I hear

"She opened her eyes!!" I hear a click and I tried to open my eyes again and the light was off. I sit up and see Bruce run in the room and start checking the monitors next to me. Someone I don't recognize is in the corner. Bruce looks at me and asks

"How are you feeling?" I open my mouth and say

"Ouch." He laughs and Tony Stark comes in and says

"That is to be expected when you are stabbed several times and are full of chemicals. We found your house by the way." I look at my hands and think about a flower appearing, and it did. I smiled and handed it to Bruce. He smiled and put it behind his ear and said

"Perfect, if you are feeling up to it I can show you to your room." I looked around and saw I was surrounded by males, suddenly Natasha walks in and says

"How about I do that boys." They all start to leave except for Natasha, she hands me a pair of pants and a hoodie from my bag, I get up slowly and change. I tap her shoulder and she says jokingly "Right this way malady." That caused me to giggle, I walked out in the hall and waited for her. She walked out and I asked

"Is my room near yours Natasha?" She gives me a sad smile and says

"My room will be to your right and Wandas room is to your left. Call me Nat, its easier. Boys are too loud anyway, plus if you ever need to talk you have 2 trust worthy women right next to you." We kept walking and we walked by a lab that Bruce and Tony were in. I saw Tony working on a suit, I looked to Nat and she nods. I walk in and start looking around, Tony says

"So, can you control your powers?" I see Bruce had put the flower in a vase on his workspace. I shake my head and say

"I only just gained and discovered them." I look to the two men and see Nat standing in the doorway watching me. I walk over to a vase full of dead flowers. I put my hands around them and close my eyes. I think about the flowers coming back to life. I open my eyes to see the flowers very alive, I smile and move out of the way for Tony to see and he says

"Somewhat control then." I walk to Nat and say

"Can you show me to my room now?" She nods and Bruce and Tony are examining the now alive flower. Nat walks out and heads toward the rooms. We reach the rooms and my name is on a plaque on the door, I smile. I open the door and the room looks like I designed it, I look to Nat and she says

"Everyone teamed up to make you as comfortable as possible. I will leave you to get settled in." I look around the room and see a chair hanging from the ceiling. I go and sit in it and sigh, its very comfy. I see my bag on the bed and I run to it, I look for my phone but cant find it. I look around and see it and its charger plugged in. I grab my phone, headphones, a blanket off the bed and go to the swing chair. I get comfy, turn on music and look at all my pictures of my mom.

I close my eyes as I swing listening to my mom's voicemails left on my phone. She called it just to hear my voice during The Blip. I start crying and suddenly a voice says

"You seem distressed, should I get Mr. Banner?" I jump and look around, no one is there. "I am FRIDAY, Mr. Starks AI." I see a speaker in the wall and say

"No thank you FRIDAY, I just want to be alone." Suddenly there is a knock on my door and I wipe my eyes and say Its open. Wanda walks in and closes the door behind her. I smile and wave, she smiles back and says

"My name is Wanda, mind if I sit?" She pointed to my bed, I shake my head, I ask

"How can I help you?" She sits and says

"I was an experiment too, but I did it willingly. I heard from the other what your house looked like so I could only imagine. I want to help you access and control all your powers, if thats ok with you." I nod yes and say

"I want to sleep for a bit but tomorrow defiantly." She nods and leaves. I put my headphones back in and play my sleep playlist and cuddle up in the chair swing and close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

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