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Kageyama sat on the seats at the tailor frantically checking his phone. He knew that all of the invitations arrived at his old teammates houses. He had decided not to deliver them in person because he didn't want to have to go through all the questions such as "When did this happen" and etc. But now he wished he had the suspense was too much to handle as he waited for the rsvps. He only looked up as he heard someone shout at him from across the room. He saw his soon to be husband staring at him in a suit "OI MILK BOY IF SOMEONE TEXTS YOU IT'LL BEEP" "I know that boke" Kageyama replied getting up and walking over to Iwaizumi "You look good in that suit" "I know i do now put that phone down and try on some suits" Iwaizumi grumbled. Kageyama took one last look at the number he had been looking at sighed and finally set it down. The rest of the day was full of trying on suits and planning the rest of the wedding. At last they sat down at home with some take out from the closest ramen shop. "That was exhausting," Kageyama breathed as he inhaled the food. "Stop complaining," Iwaizumi said with his mouth full. The rest of the night was pretty normal. While Kageyama's phone was blowing up with rsvps from the old aoba johsai team he had yet to receive any from his old karasuno team. He began to think that maybe it wasn't a good idea to keep this relationship a secret all those years. He had lost touch with everyone on purpose as horrible as that sounds; it was true only because he couldn't bear to see them while keeping that secret. He sat on their bed looking at his sleeping husband to be and felt a rush of happiness flow through him. Even if no one came it'll be okay as long as I get to spend my life with this boke. He put his phone down and went to bed glad to finally be asleep.

Just then his phone began to buzz once it went silent 2 notifications popped: ' One Missed call from Sugamama' 'One new text from Tangerine'


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