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3rd person POV:

"Pss, so what are we going to do for his birthday?" Tay nudged New quietly. 

"I don't know, celebrate it as usual?" New answered.

"But it's his birthday!" Tay huffed, getting annoyed at New's casualness.

"Gun's probably planning a party for him, and we'll have him to ourselves midnight of the 19th and late night on the 20th." New rolled the lollipop around with his tongue as he stared at the calendar.

"We could put rose petals all over the bed to surprise him!" Tay suggested.

"And who's going to clean them up?" New sighed.

Tay's smile dropped.

"Candles?" He tried again.

"You'll set the whole house on fire." New rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me balloons." Tay frowned.

"Off has globophobia, Thanos." New reminded him.

"I was being sarcastic." Tay deadpanned.

"Plus even if he didn't, you would pop half of them with your disaster luck." New giggled, ruffling Tay's hair.

"Hey, what makes you think I'll pop them?" Tay glared at him, but made no move to swat his hand away.

"When have you not?" New chuckled, avoiding a punch from the older.

"What about presents? What are you planning to buy him?" Tay asked.

"I don't know." New shrugged. "Maybe I'll ask him what's in his shopping cart and pay for it." 

"That's cheating. So not sincere." Tay raised a brow.

"Well, what are you going to get him then, Mr Sincere?" New retorted.

"I'll find out what he wants." Tay frowned.

"Not before I do." New smirked.

They exchanged looks.

"Oh, it's on." 


"...What are you guys doing?" Off sighed.

"Nothing. Do you want to go to a mall today?" New shrugged, arms hooked tight around Off's right arm.

"Yeah, absolutely nothing. No, let's not go to a mall, how about a street?" Tay pulled Off's left arm.

"What street?" Off scrunched his face in confusion.

"You idiot! I thought we agreed on a mall!" New hissed.

"You decided on the mall! I said street!" Tay barked back.

"How about we go to both?" Off offered.

The two looked at each other, before giving a curt nod.

"Sounds good." New agreed.

"Yes, so let's head for the streets first." Tay beamed.

"No, we're going to the mall first!" New frowned.

Off felt a headache coming on.

They both turned to him.

"Which do you want to go to first?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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