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Just a head's up,, this is written in Omegaverse but I'm actually not that familiar with it cause I don't read much of it :// I hope it turned out okay tho,, it's more of my take on it :>>

Heats will be strictly omitted in this story btw because I refuSe to let it hinder the fluff

To all of you who requested SingNew,, SingNew SOTUS Moments and omegaverse heheh ily yallz,, enjoy ~]

Singto's POV:

The night was rather quiet, save for the buzz of insects and hoots of owls. It wasn't full moon tonight which meant that lesser wolves would come to the woods. 

The large crescent hung dimly in the sky, soft light spilling to illuminate just enough to make out the silhouettes of the shrubs and trees, the gale carrying the strong scent of wood and nature as it breezed by. 

And then a special zephyr blew the all too familiar scent of sugar into Singto's nose.

He smiled, shifting his nose to pinpoint the location upwind and then breaking into an excited sprint. The smell got stronger and sweeter, and then it was right next to him, white fur brushing against his own grey coat. 

Singto took a moment to appreciate the stunning visual in front of him, because New in his wolf form was always a beautiful sight to see. New bumped his head into Singto's side, nuzzling softly before pulling away.

He gave New a non-committal huff, but broke into a grin when he heard that adorable soft whine.

They ran through the forest side by side, branches and leaves crunching and snapping under their weight and the wind brushing through their thick coats of fur. The smell of flowers and trees fresh in their noses, rustles of leaves adding music to their synchronized pawsteps.

Singto turned and saw New occasionally sticking his tongue out happily as he ran, and then tried to bite the cold air whipping around them. He snorted, bumping his side lightly and then receiving a bump back. 

They slowed into a trot after a while, panting slightly as the rush of adrenaline started to cool. No words needed to be said as they ambled along in the dark, quiet woods. 

Singto missed this, missed these late night dates in the woods, missed the way they would prowl and run together, enjoying the tranquility of the woods, the company of one another and the freedom.

New seemed to notice his expression, as he tilted his head with a small pout before picking up speed again. Singto followed suit with ease, and running took his mind off everything else, eyes focusing solely on the beautiful omega by his side.

However halfway through his run, a ball of white flashed past the peripheral of his eye, and then the world spun as he was tackled into the pile of leafs on the ground.

He growled as he tumbled and rolled over with the giant ball of white, paws wrapping around it as they finally came to a stop. His snout was crushed under the weight of the fluffy thing, almost suffocating him, but Singto simply hugged it closer, letting his own phermones out.

New sprawled and sat on him happily, chin raised as if to say, "Aren't I the lightest?" 

Singto snorted, rolling them around when the need for oxygen finally became urgent. New stretched himself over the pile of leaves, lopsided grin on his face as he placed a paw over Singto's.

They laid like that for a while, staring up at the starry night sky as their breathless pants relaxed into softer, steadier breaths.

And then New was on top of him, head lying on the soft patch of exposed stomach. Singto shifted till New was higher up on his chest, then leaned in to give long licks to the top of his face and the side of his snout.

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