Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ~

Finally, the last bell rang! I could not have been happier to get home.. well, atleast after Detention. APARENTLY, i started a food fight in the cafeteria.. like its my last year before i graduate, like why would i even wanna start a food fight, it was probably those immauture grade nines.. Some of them acted like they just got out of kindergarden. 

I got all my books back into my locker and walked to detention, i opened the door and gave the supervisor my slip, " hmm, starting a food fight. Pretty immautre for a yound lady like you dont you think " he said looking at me with glaring eyes " i didnt, but according to the principle i did " i said giving him a death stare " well, how about this, ill let you go early.. sience you never lied before and your one of the top students " he said with a huge smile " thanks so much ! your the best ! " i said running out the door, maybe i could catch up with Courtney ! 

I was running down the sidewalk and saw starbucks and there was Courtney standing there in line. Great no more running ! I though to myself as i walked into the small brown building as my nose smelt the coffee and whip cream! " Hey Courtney ! " i said running over to her " i almost got stuck in detention but the teacher let me go early, man i love him ! " i said smiling and laughing. " Oh, hey " she said, looking pretty depressed " whats wrong? " i asked trying to sound sympathetic, i have to admit. im not really good at that, i usually say the wrong things or end up not knowing what to say so i just stand there like an idiot. " i failed my test, and my grades are dropping really bad, i dont know why but my parents are going to kill me " she said with tears filling up in her eyes " and, if they drop anymore. the teacher will call my parents and make me go back a year, ive never been so scared in my life " i glared at her " this isnt good, you cant ! If you fail and go back, we wont be able to go to college together or graduate together.. i'd have to take a year off and my mom already said im not aloud to because she will end up spending the money " i sorta laughed knowing that was true. " ugh, stupid teachers and one direction, there probably the reason.. aha oh well, there hot so i dont really care, i do plan on marrying one of them so i dont need school " she said giggling " oh wow, good luck with that " i said laughing, even tho i had the same dream. We ordered our coffee and countinued walking down the road.. "its so pretty out isnt it ? I love snow so much ! " i said " yea, its so pretty, i love winter it makes everything to calm and it means christmas is coming.. i cant wait i better get one direction merch or im going to murder my mom " she said jokinly " oh yea, same but i doubt ill get any after what happened today " i said feeling pretty down. " aha, what did you do now " she said punching me on the arm " well, i was late.. not my fault she starts class like 10 min early and my locker is like 5 min away " i said pissed. " dont worry, im sure your mom wont be that mad, your moms so nice ! " she said as we arrived at her house " text me ! " i said as i picked up my pace walking towards my house, i really loved how my best friend lived 3 houses away from me.. that way i could see her pretty much everyday! 

I arrived at my house, walking up the pathway i barged through my giant door, this door was huge.. like i think we need a smaller one. " Hey mom ! " i said cheerfully " hi, i got  call from your teacher today ! " she said, sounding mad, oh great here we go i though " and? " i asked even tho i already knew " you were late ! AGAIN, how many times do i have to tell you that your grades are going to drop and you will be suspended. " she said pretty much yelling in my face " ITS NOT MY FAULT, her classroom is far away from mine and she starts class early, its stupid ! " i said yelling back louder. "  im going to do my homework " i said as i ran up the stairs.. and picked up my phone as i read a devistating text from Courtney.

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