The Truth

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            I painfully opened my eyes. Voices could faintly be heard as machines whirred. "I think hes awake". I groaned and forced my eyes open. There were bright lights shining down on my face that made me squint. "Turn the bloody light off, mate". "Right, sorry about zat". The light dissapeared and I opened my eyes again. Sniper stood over me. "H- uh- how do you feel, Spy". Everything on me hurts... did I change? "I'm in pain, but otherwise- nngrh- I'm fine". Medic quickly came over to me. "Zat was extrORDINARY"!!!! I winced as my head rung. "Aah"! "Oops, sorry heh"!!!! I held my head and looked up at him. "What happened"? Sniper groaned. "You changed again, mate". "Yez, and the experiment was a success"!!! I groaned and looked up at him. "What experiment". Then it all came back to me. I winced in pain as it all played in my head. "Spy"!!!! It kept in the shadows of my mind and growled before disappearing. I shot my eyes open and breathed heavily. "Spy, are you alright". Medic and Sniper watched me with worry. I nodded and cleared my throat, retaining my composure. "Yes, I'm fine". They both sighed with relief. I looked up at Sniper to notice he was holding his arm. "What happened to your arm". He widened his eyes then shook his head. "Ah, nothing mate, you were just hard to keep pinned down, when... you know.. you were like that". I was confused but then realized what he meant. "Did I.. hurt any of you"? They shook their heads no.  "*sigh* "Dieu merci.... so..what happens now". Medic walked over to me and turned the restraints off. "Well, if I am correct, you should be able to control zis to an extent". I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean". "Well if you start to feel upset, you will be able to control it, only a little bit, but of course.. I'm not for certain". I nodded and tilted my head back. "Now, i suggest you get some rest". Sniper walked over and held out his hand. "Here, let me help mate". I furrowed my eyebrows and reached my hand out. He helped me up and walked me over to Medic. "Here, some fresh clothes". "Why-". I looked down and noticed I wasn't wearing anything. 'How emberrasing'. I nodded, grabbed the clothes and quickly got changed. "Zere, all set"!!! I painfully walked over to the door as I waited for Medic. "Ah yes, I almost forgot". He walked over to me and held his hand out. "Take zese". I grabbed what was in his hand and looked at it. "What is this"? "Zese are anger management pills, they should help a little with controlling it". I looked up at him and painfully put it in my suit pocket. "Merci, doctor".

         He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Anytime, Spy, now go get some rest". I smiled and nodded. I turned and held my side as me and Sniper walked down the hallway to my study. "Are you gonna be alright". I nodded. "Yes, I should be.... what about you"? He shook his head and chuckled. "Yea... I'll be alright, just another day in the life ". I chuckled and winced in pain. We stopped in front of my door. "Well, this is goodnight". Sniper smiled and shook his head. "Ya that sounds about right". He winced and held his arm again. "Are you sure your going to be alright". He nodded. "Ya it's just a pulled muscle". I nodded. "Alright well, cheers mate". He turned and walked away. "Wait, Sniper". He stopped and turned back. "Thank you, for all the help". Sniper furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Anytime mate". He turned back and walked away. I waited for him to turn the corner and walked into my study, making sure to close and lock the door behind me. I painfully walked over to my wine collection to pour myself some wine and sat in my chair near the fireplace. "Aah, merde"!!  *sigh* "What a night".

      I played back everything that has happened the last couple of days. First a glowing light in a abandoned building, then i get cursed, now Ive been suspended until further notice, and i have some rage driven monster trapped inside me. Not only that, but now Scout knows the truth about me.... I opened my eyes and took a sip of wine. The last he seen me.... he saw me as a monster. What am i gonna say to him? He was terrified of me!!!! A knock came from my door. I rolled my eyes and painfully got up as I made my way over to the door. I unlocked my door and i froze. "S-Scout"!! He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh,". I frowned. "What... brings you here". "I- uh- can i come in... to you know, talk". I wanted to say something, but decided not to and opened the door, motioning him to come in. He walked past me as i closed the door and locked it again. "What- nngh- what is it that you wanted to talk about Scout". He walked back and forth and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, uh, wow i don't even know where to start". I chuckled then winced in pain. "You alright". I put my hand up and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine just in some pain". I walked over to him. "Here come sit, we have a lot to talk about". He nodded and followed me over to my desk. I pulled my desk chair out for him and sat in my chair near the fireplace. "Where would you like to start". He looked up at me as fumbled with his fingers. "I- uh- i don't even know uh..... w-what was that back there"!!! I looked up and kept a straight face. 'How should i go about explaining this'.  "I.. I'm still trying to figure that out myself, Scout". He looked at me. "A-are you alright, i mean, you sounded like you were in a shit ton of pain, Spy". "Ya, i was at the time, but, I'm fine".  "When i saw you, you were, just not yourself, just your face, and your eyes...". He looked like was starting to panic."Scout"!! He looked at me. "I know that what you saw, was... scary... to say the least... it was scary for me as well". "What the hell happened to you"!!  *sigh*. "Well, to put it short.... I've been cursed". "Cursed... you mean like witches and voodoo shit cursed". I nodded. "That's the general gist yes". "So, wait, your telling, some fucking wizard just came around and decided to 'zap'... curse your ass". "Ya, you can put it that way". I clenched my fist at the thought. "But why.. why would someone just randomly want to curse you like i- i don't get it"!!! "Well, because that 'someone' has had a grudge against me  for a while now".

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