Rekindled trust

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Laurent POV
I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. Every muscle and bone in my body aches. "God dammit". I reached up and rubbed my forehead. Why does the Aftermath have to be so painful every time? Ana shuffled beside me and gripped onto my chest. "Ma belle...". I rubbed her arm softly and smiled. 'I love you with all my heart...when we first met, I knew right then and there that you were the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life....and that is never going to change.....even with the raging beast thats trapped inside your if it means spending an eternity with you, i would never have it any other way.... so... yes... i want to go through with this.... for us and our family'. Those words.... I still cant believe she wants to.... even with everything she's seen, everything we have been through, even through all of that... she still wants to go through with Ludwigs plan.... I watched her sleeping form.... her perfect face, beautiful, long black hair, her soft lips.... I can't wait to spend eternity with her... A soft knock came from the van doors. I looked up as Ludwig came in with Jezza in his arms. "Ah, I zee yoor avake". "Yes, just did a couple minutes ago actually". He walked over and set Jezza in my arms. "I zought zat yoo mighte 'ave vanted to zee yoor little one". "Oui, thank you". Jezza squirmed and cooed as she latched her little fingers onto my chest. "Mon petite fille". "I overhearde yoor conerzatione last nighte". "You were eavesdropping...". I rose an eyebrow and looked up at him. "Ah, vell I didn't meane too at firzt, bute zen yoo mentioned my plane and vell, I gote excited". "Excited in what way". I smiled deviously as his face turned to disgust. "Note zat waye you perve"!!! "My apologies, Ludwig, i had to, your easily tempered"!! "Am note!! A-anyways, ime glade to hear zat she wants to go through wiz it... once she wakes I can start ze process". "Are you sure it's safe Ludwig....". He nodded and smiled. "Yez, I promize, I made sure". "As long as it does not curse them as well, then I'm fine with it.... I trust you to make sure that they won't".

Jezza cooed and whimpered, making me shoot my gaze to her. Her beautiful eyes stared up at me as she smiled. "Bonjour mon petit tournesol". (Good morning, my little sunflower). She laughed and reached up to grab my chin. I chuckled and leaned my head down so she could, and watched her as she laughed and cooed. "Shee iz verye attached to yoo". "Yes, she is". Her hand went into my mouth and I gawked. "Sacrableu". Medic burst into laughter, trying his best to keep quiet so Ana wouldn't wake. "Yes, yes very funny". I couldn't help but laugh with him. She's already such a cute little prankster. "Ah, das sehe ich jetzt nicht jeden tag"!! (Now that I something I don't see everyday)! "That is because you never leave your lab". He wiped a tear from my eye and his smile faded. "Yoo knowe German". 'Fuck'. "Yes, I had to study every language whilst in Assassin training". He glared at me. "Zen how come yoo tolde mee zat you didn't underztande what I waz zaying"!? I kept my gaze on Jezza. I guess I should have told him. "I felt it wasn't important to say something at the time". He continued to glare at me and shook his head. "Whateva, let me know when she wakes". "Of course and Ludwig...". He stopped at the door. "I'm only messing with you, I hope you know that my freind". He smiled and nodded. "But of course". He walked out and quietly shut the van doors behind him, leaving us in silence once again. Jezza babbled and cooed, kicking her little feet, smiling the entire time. "Votre très fougueuse aujourd'hui". (Your very feisty today). She continued to kick her feet and babble. I couldn't help but laugh.... she reminds me so much of Jeremy when he was a baby..... I smiled and furrowed my eyebrows with some sadness. I felt a foot jab me in the chest and I chuckled. I grabbed her foot and tickled it. She burst out into tiny laughter. "I will get your little feet". She laughed more, making me chuckle. I picked her up and blew rasberries in her stomach. "Shes a fiesty roo isn't she". I looked up at Mick. "Ahem- yes very much so". "Can- can i". "Dont start, yes of course Mick". He walked over rather rushed, which made me laugh a little. "Wot"? "Excited are we"? I rose an eyebrow and grinned. "Oi, don't start mate". I chuckled a slowly set Jezza in his arms. "Ay, there you little ankle biter". 'What the hell'? He bounced her up and down as she smiled abd cooed at him. "You know, you would make a good father, Mick". "Gah, I dont know about that mate, I'm not much of a "father" figure.... I shoot people in the head and piss in jars... not really the best person to be raising a child". I rolled me eyes. "Mick, all of us shoot people in the head, it's our job...". "Ya know what I meant... im just.... not a good person mate.... I dont want my child growing up in a life like this....". I sighed and stood up, stumbling from the shooting pain that swept through me. "Mate, what-". "Enough-nngh-". I walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You would make a great father Mick, your great with her and she isn't even your own". "But.... Laurent I'm an assassin, that's no life for a little roo". "I'm an assassin, and I've had 2, whilst keeping my job, well in some way...". He huffed with annoyance. "What are you saying mate". "What im telling you is that... from experience, you don't have to choose between having a job or a child.... yes I had to fight with the administrator about Jeremy, but that was only because of my history with her... Ludwig has a child and is still able to keep his job.... snd I'm sure once this all blows over I will as well". "He shot his eyes at me with confusion. "Wait, the docs got a kid". "Yes a little boy, he's 5". "How come I didn't know that". I smirked. "You were too drunk to show up to the gender reveal". "W- whot-". I smiled at him and chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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