Chapter 3: Frog...

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Y/N felt a spark at xer fingertips and xer entire vision went dark. And then, the secret appeared... bold and obvious. Y/N saw it; bright illuminated letters that read, "FROG/FROGSELF".

"...frog/frogself..." the words fell from xer lips without meaning to.

"Huh? Fro-OH MY- OH MY GOD!" Kalvin blurted out as his realization set in, he now figured out exactly what Y/N's quirk was, and figured out exactly what secret Y/N now knows about.

Kalvin's shout quickly pulled Y/N back from xer shock, and xe stopped pressing xer fingers to get xerself out of Kalvin's mind. Xe looked back up into Kalvin's eyes still surprised.

They both stayed in that position staring at one another awkwardly, Kalvin still panicked.

"...You use neopronouns too??? Like- you use frog/frogself?..."

"Wh- shut up-! No I-... well like-," frog blushed, " Yes, fine alright... I use them."

"... that's cute."


"You know I actually think that set really suits you Kalvin. I hone-"

Frog kissed xer.

Kalvin couldn't take it anymore, frog was redder than a tomato and didn't have anyway to shut Y/N up since frog was so embarrassed of the whole ordeal. But to Kalvin's shock and underlying delight, Y/N kissed back.

~~~The End~~~

a/n: This concludes my randomly made neopronoun user Y/N x kalvin garrah fanfiction, a.k.a. the worst thing i've created. Also btw i don't rlly watch bnha that much so srry if i messed up something with the quirks sjdbakdjwjdj

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