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Bella~ finally you shaded mofo
I looked at the sleeping pair in satisfaction and shut the door. I can't wait to see them get married, honestly Percy would look good in white. A dress or a suit? Both would look good. I giggled to myself and went to the living room, ngl, I did not expect for Percy to have his own place. Heck maybe an apartment was plausible, but this was outright insane. Not only did he have a place, it didn't look cheap either. I looked at the others before sitting down next to Edward.
Aight peeps, I hope you guys remember the drill from School Part 2. With the group so.

I huffed and looked around just wishing to have Edwards gift.
Honestly maybe I was looking my touch or I was cursed or something. When I looked around I couldn't hear anyone's thoughts. "Carlisle I have a problem" he perked up and looked at me as if he was expecting it.
"What is it Edward?" I asked. Honestly it was rhetorical but I still wanted to hear it from him so... "I can't use my gift" Bella looked up in shock. I nodded "I thought so"
I looked around how in the duck I didn't see this coming. Honestly Carlisle seemed to know more than he was letting out. "Carlisle..." He turned to me. "What do you mean?" I asked straightening up.
Ok 3rd person POV
Carlisle looked around and took a deep breath, not that he needed one. He had done some research after they had met Percy's mother. It may have involved some snooping and unbelievable information but that part had to wait for the main character of the story to confirm. "Well it seemed a bit obvious after observing each of your description" he turned to Bella whose mind was having difficulty with the thought of Edward not reading people. "Especially yours Bella" She looked up as he finished, "So do you have answers?". Carlisle nodded again, "Yes but only one..." Jasper looked at him expectantly. "It appears that the boy sends off a aura or field thar disables any other special ability within the vicinity"
An audible snap was heard when Edward spaghetti twisted his neck in a rush to look at the older vampire. It seemed as if this was another reason for worrying, with an extraordinary ability like that, the Volturi was definitely coming for him if they hear about him. Providing that they don't already know about him.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, a growl was heard from the upper floor. Bella disappeared up the stairs and made a beeline to Percy and Jacobs room. She ran to the door only for it to be smashed to pieces as something was thrown through it. Jacob jumped through the ragged remains, a smelly odour followed. Bella swiftly ran to the room and saw a very tired and angry Percy. He stood weary and looked past Jacob who growled threatening at the air in front of him. Percy slowly limped to the door, his brown eyes now boasted a tri of colors dancing on his irises making them glow in the semi darkness of the hallway. Tendrils of darkness began to surround his right hand, they swirled around him only getting larger, giving off a malicious aura. Suddenly they became stick straight and without warning, shot past the wolf and into the wall, earning a squeal and then a pained howl.

My jaw dropped as I realized that the boy in front of me, was more than your average human, in fact far from it. He shuddered before collapsing, Jacob by his side in an instant. I grudgingly closed my eyes, wanting to see the sight of him. But the fact that we both belonged to someone else made me sniff. Don't get me wrong I loved Edward but Jacob was one of my first crush and damn he was hawt, I was almost jealous of Percy. But then I realized that I was the one who chose Edward over him. I'll quickly get over him given the pace that he was going with Percy.

Someone else might have been stuck where they were but I wasn't going to leave him in the open. I carried him back to the bed bridal style before changing into some boxers and jeans, not to forget my shirt. I looked at him, he really was a magnet for trouble. A chill ran down my spine as I walked past the door, I don't know if anyone else saw it but whatever it was, it was disgusting. Completely nasty,  its slimy body made me cringe, the claws were long and thing their sharp edges glinted in the slight moonlight. The strange fact was that I couldn't see it but apparently Percy saw it and with a flash I could as well. It made me want to puke, distorted and mutilated it stood by the broken window in all its unholy glory, with black eyes. I didn't recognize it but Percy seemed to know what it was and he wasn't happy. I shifted and growled. It let out a guttural growl that sounded like something out of the world. Or otherwise. A sudden force hit the thing and it was thrown through the door. Every thing after that was a blur, my focus mainly on my imprint and mate who in my perspective looked somewhat different when he collapsed. I pushed it back as I walked down the stairs, the vampires and the rest of the pack were either seated or standing in a half circle looking at me. Bella was the first to get up, she looked around her and then turned to me. The look on her face was all I needed. I took a deep breath and began to recount everything...

2 am in the morning
I yawned firefly and stretched. After debating for over two hours we had come to a conclusion, we would stay here until we all got some sleep. Then we would leave for La Push. We had already been gone for too long as it is and we really should tell Charlie that his son belonged to similes as well. He was going to throw a fit, I chuckled. We all turned to leave when a low creak stopped us. I tensed when I saw something large and almost shapeless descended the stairs. A slight yawn came from the shape, it came into the light and revealed that it was a blanket. Bella tilted her head. "Hey Jacob isn't that the blanket from Percy's bed?" I nodded slowly. A gust of wind blew in from the open window and blew off the hood revealing two white and very fluffy looking ears with black pointy tips. I continued down to look at very familiar brown eyes. The height was different but I knew who this was. Something poked the back of the blanket, Bella being the closest tugged the blanket only to reveal a long fluffy white tail with a pointy black tip swishing around slowly. To sum it all up, my mate was cuteness overkill.
(1206 words)

Thank you to everyone who supported me by voting and commenting what you view my story as. I'd like to thank all of you who had followed my work.



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