Detetive Percy

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Percy thought that it would be a good time to call home to Charlie and ask how everyone was. He listened to the the click as Charlie answered.

"Hey dad" after a minute to register, he answered. "Hey kiddo, how's camp at the moment?". There was slight catch in his voice, spending too much time facing off with two timers, he knew something was wrong. "Dad, did the others make it back home safely?". Charlie did not answer, "Dad what's wrong?". Again he was silent, "Dad..." the panic evident in his voice. "Dad!", Charlie took a shaky breath. He had pondered on how to tell his son, that both his sister and his lover were gone.

"Kiddo, the Cullen's and three of the shapeshifters, including Jacob and Bella are missing"

The line on the other side went dead, Charlie put down the phone hoping that everything was alright on the other side.

Percy gripped the phone tightly, only one push from actually breaking it. He had hoped for at least their side to be alright. He put down the phone and quickly ran back to Chiron. The campers were in good shape, thanks to the reinforcements so he wondered if it would be okay. The centaur himself was busy going about mixing herbs for the Apollo campers.

"Chiron", the centaur turned his torso ever so slightly to face him, "Yes Percy?"

"I gotta go back home for some time, maybe a few days, could you like um, cover for me please?". He asked, using his newly acquired puppy eyes on the centaur.

Chiron sighed, the timing this boy had for every issue was something else. "Percy, we are in the middle of a war, I don't think this is the best time to go back home to your mother, you could place her in danger".

Percy went solemn, right they didn't know about the part where his mother abandoned him, when he needed her the most. "Chiron, I don't have a mom, at least not anymore I guess"

The white centaur looked at him in disbelief, "Percy what happened?"

"No time, I'm leaving" Percy said with finality

"Percy, wai-" the silver haired boy was gone in a flash. Behind where he once was, stood Nico, who looked like he was about to start throwing hands. "Where is he going?"

True to himself the centaur had no clue and this he relayed to the boy. Nico looked like he was about to start his own war. "Chiron, I'll be back, until then". He melted into the shadows.

Teenagers these days, he thought. A presence behind him made Chiron groan. "They're heading to Percy's home". The feeling left.

                                                        ..................... ........................................

Percy pounded on the door, there was no one home and he didn't have his keys on him. He could easily teleport in but he needed to speak with his father immediately. He opted to walk to the police station instead, since it was the only other place he might have a clue to find him.

He walked into the building, receiving stares from all around. That he did not care about, he was looking for Charlie and he found the sheriff starting his fifth cup of coffee. Percy slammed his hands on the desk, making Charlie almost drop his mug. "Percy, my god you scared me"

"Look dad, I need info, what do you have on them?". He looked at Percy with narrowed eyes. "Percy I don't want you running after your sister right now, you'll put yourself in danger".

"I'm more than capable of beating some measly vampires", Percy protested. He knew that his father wouldn't allow him to do as he pleased, but at least have some faith in him.
Another officer interrupted their conversation. "Charlie, who's this?".

"Ah, John, this is Percy my son", Charlie introduced the two, and they shook hands. Percy took a onceover of the man, seemed liked he was in his late thirties and had a wedding ring on his left hand. Not that he gave off a bad aura, but he just couldn't find it in him to trust the man.

John sported dirty blonde cropped hair and piercing brown eyes. For a human he was odd. Percy hid his thoughts with a smile, when the scent of blood wafted off the man. Another vampire, good. "Dad, I'm going and that's final"

Charlie was done, "Percy, you are not going" he tried to reason calmly.

"No, I am",

Percy...". The father son duo were engaged in a staring contest.

"That's it, you're going back to camp"

"Says who?"


"I'm going to find them" Percy said with finality




"Do I look like I give a fuck!"


John looked at the two helplessly, when someone tapped his shoulder lightly. He spun to see a boy in his late teens, he looked like a more sexy version of emo. "Mind stepping aside?" Given the level of intent between the two, he was more than willing to do so.

"Percy, calm down". Nico tried to pacify the boy as the mass of officers were now watching the argument.

"I'm going to look for them". Percy gritted his teeth. Charlie looked at him seething. Bella could handle herself, even if Percy is powerful, he's seen what a vampire can do first hand. And Percy is unstable.

A random officer stepped in, "Kid, you really think you can handle vampires?"

Percy narrowed his eyes, so they knew, it explained why John was here. They must be here to ensure that vampires stay in line.

"I can handle myself", the man turned to answer him again. And Nico tried to stop him. Things were getting out of hand, there were quite a few undead here, his sister was taken by some of their kind. It would be understandable if he harbored some sort of malice against them.

A shadow sped towards Percy, Nico reacted late. They were almost upon him, they raised their hand to strike.
A vibration issued throughout the building, everything and everyone began to lose gravity. Percy stood firm on the floor. Everyone were trying to get a grip onto something. Percy had this crazed look in his face. He turned to the guy.
"Now, you were saying..."

Bella tugged at the chains that held her back, as a new born she had exceptional strength. The others were kept in separate room, while Edward was situated in a lead encased chamber. The bangs from the lead square were the only proof that he was still alive.
A vampire walked to her, brandishing a torch in his hand. A bottle of gasoline in the other. She sneered as the man got closer. The stench of gasoline wafted throughout the cell. Bella wrinkled her nose at the smell.

The shapeshifters were running around, now that their aloha was gone they had to find him. And Jacob wasn't here either, the few that went  to get them said they ran off in the direction of the Cullen household. When they went to investigate, they found traces of what Carlisle called the Volturi. Apparently they thought they could trespass on pack territory. 

Percy looked at them all, combing his fingers through his hair, groaning. They all fell abruptly back to the ground. 

"If any of you say a word of what has happened just now, I'll do much worse than just lower gravity".

With that final warning he turned and strode out. Nico got up rubbing the small of his back, and quickly went after him. "Percy, wait!"

The silvered hair boy, continued to walk on. A white glint in his eyes.

It was time ... 

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