Chapter Four

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The house was silent, Ena had fallen asleep on the table while (Y/N) fell asleep on their bed. Little to no sounds were made in the night, but that changed in the morning.

Wind hit against the windows and walls, making a loud gushing sound. Outside a few trees had fallen, and some of (Y/N)'s plants had been ripped out of the ground by the ever coming wind. The weather was always unpredictable, but rarely ever like this.

(Y/N) yawned and sat up, stretching as they got off of the bed "hm...?" They muttered under their breath as they walked towards the window, peering outside to the dark clouds. Rain had just started to pour down, making yet another sound start up.

(Y/N) felt miserable, groaning as they walked to the counter and started up down pancakes "Stupid weather..." they muttered softly. It wasn't long before Ena also woke up, rubbing her eyes as she looked around confusedly.

"What's going on outside (Y/N)?" Ena slowly asked, walking over to the window and peering out, gazing at the chaos outside.

"I dunno, but I don't like it... let's hope my plants are intact by the time it stops..." they grumbled as they flipped the pancakes, barely focusing on Ena at all.

Ena shrugged and began walking towards the door "well, I think I'm fine to walk home, thank you for letting me stay (Y/N)!!"

"Wait I wouldn't advise th-" and suddenly, gusts of air entered the small house, the pan stayed in (Y/N)'s hand but the pancakes went everywhere. A loud thump could be heard as Ena dropped to the floor, frantically holding onto a table leg.

(Y/N) attempted to run to the door to close It, but they just ended up sliding backwards "holy fuck!!!" They yelled, staying sturdy by only the wall. The shapes in (Y/N)'s house were going absolutely nuts, some went outside, some rattled off of the walls and others just fell, almost as if they had died.

Ena began crawling towards the door, attempting to avoid the gusts of wind invading the cabin. Slowly she reached up to the doors knob and pushed against It, standing up as she pushed as hard as she could.

It didn't work entirely, only closing halfway but it was enough to where (Y/N) could begin to walk, and by walk I mean ran. As (Y/N) reached the door they ran into It, slamming it shut quickly.

"Deepest apologies about that-" Ena said quickly, nervously looking to the side. (Y/N) sighed but showed no visible fuateration, instead they just looked tired.

"Its fine.. Seems you have to stay here for a bit huh..." they looked down dreadfully, although they were (sorta) warming up to Ena, it was hard to be in the same room as her. Ena nodded in agreement and looked around the room, it was almost as if it had been trashed completely by partiers.

"Ah, maybe we should try to clean the house..." she stated as she held up a finger and pointed to the mess. (Y/N) nodded and walked towards the mess, picking up one of their journals and placing it on the shelf. Ena also began to help, lifting up one of the stools that had fallen over and putting the curtains back on the windows.

The next thirty or so minutes were silent, at least from the two of them. The damage to the house wasn't that bad, other than a few broken glasses which were a hassle to clean. (Y/N) soon sat down "Oh goodness when will this weather end..." they asked as Ena picked up one of the "dead" shapes and held it up in the air, promptly "reviving" it as it went back to its spot.

"Hopefully soon, I need to deliver something to someone" Ena looked at their blue hand, watching intently as if something was happening with it.

(Y/N) looked over "is it for that tree guy again..?" They sighed as they placed their head on the table.

Ena shook her head with a smile "no, actually! It's for my close, close friend, Moony!" She happily stated, seemingly feeling some sort of euphoria as she said Moony's name.

(Y/N) simply nodded in response, not lifting their head from the table. It was silent for a moment before Ena walked over to (Y/N)'s bookcase and picked up a random book, looking over the front and back before opening the book to a random page, pretending to read.

A while passed, the window seemed to be close to shattering at any moment. Ena looked around with a worrying look "(Y/N) I do not believe your cabin will hold u-"

"I know" they responded, not moving an inch. They could've possibly been annoyed, that was defiantly a viable option. Ena adverts her eyes slightly then slowly nodded, walking towards a corner and sitting down slowly. The fearful day continued on, cracks in the windows began appearing, Ena just stared at the window intuitevly while (Y/N) grumbled with annoyance.

Luckily, the wind began clearing up, the sky became blue once again, it was probably going to rain later though. (Y/N) sighed and lifted their head "Stupid weather.... Hey you still alive over there..?" They asked slowly as they turned their head over to Ena. She nodded quickly and stood up, walking to the door while stumbling.

"Well thank you for letting me stay! But... I need to go to Moony now! Farewell!!" and with that, she was gone. (Y/N) didn't really mind her leaving, but she wasn't excited about it like she would if it was a few days earlier. (Y/N) sighed, is this what having a friend was like? If it was, it was quite a confusing process.

The rest of the day was uneventful, other than (Y/N) freaking out over their plants which had been ripped out of the ground. (Y/N) stomped back into their house and angerily sat on their bed, waiting the rest of the day out with these negitave feelings towards the plant situation.

Well not all of them were negitave.... He was... Happy to have someone he considered to somewhat be a friend...


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