The Sleepover

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Luz Noceda sat on her sleeping bag in her makeshift bedroom on the Boiling Isles. She was hunched over a pad of paper, trying to learn a new spell.

"Come on, little rock, show me your secrets!" she told the stone in her hand, staring it down. "Ugh, I give up!" she cried, finally throwing it out of one of the broken windows of The Owl House. She reached for her crystal ball and tried calling Willow, then Gus, but neither of them picked up. "Eda? King?" she called out, knowing full and well there would be no response, because Eda had taken King to go meet with Lilith, Eda's sister, in a secret location.

"I'm still here, Luz!" came the enthusiastic and high-pitched voice that belonged to Hooty. Luz sighed, realizing that Hooty was her only option for socializing. Or maybe not...she grabbed her crystal ball once more and tried Amity. It was a stretch, but they were closer than they were when they first met.

Amity picked up in less than five seconds, her usually pale complexion a bit pink.

"Hey Luz, what's up?" she asked, setting the ball on her bed and flopping down, her legs swinging above and behind her.

"Thank goodness you picked up, Amity!" Luz smiled. "I'm so bored, and Eda and King are gone, Willow and Gus didn't answer, and I was afraid I was stuck with HOOTY!" Amity gave a sympathetic face as Hooty called out

"I can hear you, you know! Hoot! Jerk!"

The girls snickered and rolled their eyes.

"So what's up at Blight Manor?" Luz asked, smiling.

"Oh, you know, trying not to go insane because Ed and Em WON'T STOP SPYING ON ME! I KNOW YOU'RE LISTENING!" she responded, turning away from the crystal ball for the last part.

"Hey, wanna come over?" Luz asked, getting a very awkward

"YE-sure, whatever," from the green-haired witch on the other side of the call.

"Great, see you then!" she smiled, hanging up.

Across the forest, in a large, luxurious mansion that belonged to a family that was obviously financially set, a little witch girl sat, pulling at her hair in front of her closet. She finally settled on a casual black dress with magenta-pink leggings, which looked very similar to her school uniform. "I'm heading out," she announced, pushing the front door out of her way and summoning her abomination.

"Abomination, take me to The Owl House," Amity commanded as it rose out of the ground. It picked her up, placed her on it's shoulders, and slowly started walking.

"Can't you go any faster?" she complained. "At this rate, everyone will be back by the time we get there!" she huffed, hopped down, and sent the abomination away. She would have to walk. She drew a circle with her finger in the air above her feet, and her stylish black platformers were replaced with comfortable running shoes. She tucked in her dress and jogged down the trail.

Slowing her pace as she neared The Owl House, she once again drew a circle in the air, this time above her head. Once it had erased any sweat stains or smell, she stepped in front of the door and kicked it open, not wanting to look at the weird tube owl that was embedded in the door.

"Luz, I'm here!" she declared, looking around at the dirty and mistreated furniture. She looked over to the mantle, upon which there were many more framed things than last time she had visited. There was a copy of Luz's old 'Banned' flyer, a picture of King and Luz cuddling on the couch, a photo booth picture of Luz, Willow and Gus, and finally, Luz and Amity's Grom picture. She blushed when she saw and took it down, stuffing it into her purse.

"Hey Amity! Thanks for coming over!" came Luz's voice from behind her. Amity quickly spun around and waved, trying to put a casual expression on.

"Yeah, whatever, no biggie," she replied. No biggie? Where was this coming from?

"Wanna go up to my room?" Luz asked, taking her hand and leading her up the staircase. Amity's heart skipped a beat at the feeling of Luz's touch, but obeyed without showing (very much) emotion.

"Here we are!" Luz declared, gesturing to a door that led to what looked like a closet with a sleeping bag, some pillows, clothes, and other belongings crammed inside.

"It's," Amity commented, slowly walking inside as she sat down, she noticed that there were pictures here too, not framed like the ones downstairs, but taped to the walls and even the ceiling. Pictures of Hooty, Eda and King, Eda and Luz, Luz and Willow, Luz and Gus, Gus and Willow, Luz, Willow and Gus, and most shockingly, Amity's Fearbook photo.

"Cool, right?" Luz grinned, flopping down next to Amity, causing the green-haired witch to flinch away quickly.

"Yeah, kinda," Amity replied, relaxing again. She smiled as Luz pulled out her drawing pad and scribbled out a light rune. The page folded up into a little glowing orb that floated up above the two as a source of light.

"It's so cool how you can do magic like that," Amity whispered.

"Wanna try?" the other girl replied. Amity blushed and shook her head.

"I'm fine with doing magic normally, thanks,"

"Suit yourself," Luz teased, drawing a couple more before sliding the pad away and sighing.

"It's getting pretty dark," Amity observed, looking out the broken stained glass window at the forest around them.

"Wanna stay for a sleepover?" Luz asked her.

"What's a sleepover?" Amity responded, confused.

"It's like a moonlight conjuring, minus the bringing something to life," Luz explained, standing up and pulling another sleeping bag out.

"Uh...sure..." Amity agreed, trying to separate her giddy four year old inner reaction from her cool, calm outer reaction."Yes!" Luz cheered, pumping her fist in the air before rolling out the second sleeping bag next to hers. "Want me to go find us some snacks?" she asked.

Amity only nodded, pulling out her Penstagram scroll and calming her complexion before snapping a picture of the two sleeping bags. 'Humans are so weird, they do moonlight conjurings without the conjuring part' she captioned before posting it. Luz came bounding back into the room holding colorful aluminum bags full of greasy but delicious morsels of food.

"I found human snacks!" Luz sang, throwing the bags down before plopping down herself. Amity eyed the snacks suspiciously before carefully pulling one apart at the seal.

"Cheez-os, good choice," Luz said as Amity popped one into her mouth and chewed.

"Not bad," she remarked, grabbing a handful. Luz grinned and pulled out her cell phone, extending her arm.

"Selfie time!" she announces. Amity grins and leans in, trying to contain the blush spreading over her cheeks. There was a small flash, the Luz's arm relaxed. The two sat for hours more, chatting and eating, giggling from hysteria, until they finally fell asleep, chip bags on their chest, hands touching.

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