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Sabrina and Bill made their way into the garage. As Bill went to set up the projector, Sabrina walked over to her brother. "Hey, Eds, can I see your second fannypack for a second?" She gave him a sweet smile.

"My second fannypack? Why would you need my second fanny-" Sabrina quickly interrupted her brother, "Just let me see it, Eddie."

The boy reluctantly handed her the fannypack, watching her closely as she opened it. When Sabrina opened it, she reached in and pulled out her granola bar. "What- I didn't put that there- how did that get there?" Eddie looked at his fannypack in shock.

"I put it in there. I knew I'd get hungry at some point and you rarely use this one so I decided to put-" Sabrina was cut off by Eddie, "Sabrina, do you know how unsanitary that is? Now all my supplies are gonna have to be thrown out and replaced!" Eddie threw his hands out to the side.

Sabrina shrugged and opened her snack, taking a bite. "Eddie, shut up, it's not a big deal. It's just a granola bar." She laughed. "Not a big deal-"

Bill quickly cut the siblings bickering off as he began speaking, "Look."

Once Bill opened his mouth, everyone went around the projector, taking a seat.

"That's where G-Georgie disappeared. There's the Ironworks. And The Black Spot." Sabrina looked at the map closely as Bill spoke, "Everywhere it happens, it's all connected by the sewers. And they all meet up at the..."

"The well house." Ben chimed in, "It's in the house on Neibolt Street." Stanley explained.

"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Sabrina ignored Richie as she looked at her brother in worry, as he had just taken a puff of his inhaler.

"I hate that place. It always feels like it's watching me." Beverly spoke from behind Sabrina.

"Cause it probably is." The brunette said.

"That's where I saw It. That's where I saw the clown." Sabrina could tell Eddie was scared by the way he was speaking and she was just waiting for him to break down.

"T-Th-That's where It lives." Bill concluded as Eddie took another puff of his inhaler.

"I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Stanley told the group, but their eyes were diverted from him when Eddie stood up,  "Can we stop talking about this? I can barely breathe. This is summer. We're kids. I can barely breathe-" Sabrina interrupted her brother as she stood up, "Eddie, you need to calm down."

"I can't calm the fuck down! I'm up here having
a fucking asthma attack. I'm not doing this." Eddie ripped down the map from the wall.

"What the hell? Put the map back." Billy shouted at Eddie, who hummed a no.

Sabrina took a step back beside Bill when the projector started moving by itself, pictures of Georgie beginning to pop up. "What happened?" Bill asked rhetorically. 

"What's going on?" Stanley eyed the projector, "Guys." Mike spoke up and everyone turned to the wall, watching as it flipped through pictures of Georgie.

"Georgie." Bill whispered and Sabrina reached her hand out to hold his, hoping to give him some comfort.  "Bill?" Stanley spoke, fear in his voice.

The projector began to zoom in on a photo of Georgie. He was wearing a blue suit with a huge smile on his face, but then the projector changed its position and began to zoom in on Billy's mom.

Her ginger hair was flowing in front of her face, until it came back and it was no longer her. It was the clown.

Sabrina began zoning out the voices as she stood frozen. She came back to reality when she heard Richie yell, "What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that?"

"I don't fucking know!" Eddie responded to the Tozier boy. "It's the clown." Sabrina whispered, turning to the boys.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" "Yeah. Yeah, turn it off." "Turn it off!" Everyone surrounding Sabrina began to yell at Bill, until Mike eventually kicked down the projector, causing the photo to go lopsided.

The photo popped up again and everyone gasped, until the photo was no longer there. Sabrina let out a high pitched scream when the clown popped through the screen. "Fuck!" She yelled, looking around and making sure all her friends remained safe.

Everyone was screaming, but Sabrina was focusing on the fact that the clown was going near Beverly. "No, no, no." She whispered, trying to find a way to distract it. A grin grew on her face when she saw a chair. She ran over to pick it up, pushing through the small hands that were trying to grab her.

"Sabrina, don't!" "Stop, Sab!" "Be careful!"

Once she got to the chair, she grabbed it and ran to Beverly, hitting the chair over the clowns face. She screamed as the clown began to reach out to her and ducked under its arm, running to the side just as the boys opened the garage door, making him disappear.

She looked back at Beverly to make sure she was okay, and the ginger gave her a small nod. Sabrina backed up into the boys as her hands shook slightly.

She watched as Beverly thanked Ben and pulled him into a hug, causing Sabrina to walk over to Bill. "You okay?" She whispered to the breathless boy, receiving a small nod. She then tugged the boy into her arms, holding onto him for dear life.

"It saw us." Eddie spoke, this making Sabrina and Bill let go of each other. "It saw us, and it knows where we are."

"It always did. S-So, let's go." Bill walked out of the garage and Sabrina looked at him with a bewildered expression.

"Go? Go where?" Ben asked.

"Neibolt. That's where G-G-Georgie is." Billy told them and Eddie looked to his sister, grabbing her hands to stop them from shaking.

"After that?" Stanley asked.  "Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside." Richie added on to Stanley's question.

"If you say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time..." Bill clenched his fist, running to grab his bike. Before he could leave, Sabrina quickly ran up to him, grabbing his wrist.

"Bill, wait." She whispered and continued speaking once he stopped, "Are you sure about this? If you are, I'll go with you, I just need to know that this is one hundred percent what you want to do."

"I'm sure." Billy nodded, in which Sabrina quickly nodded to herself and ran to the side, grabbing her bike, the two peddling off together.

"Bill! Wait!" "Sab, come on!" "Guys!" "Don't go!"

There were thousands of shouts behind them, but the duo didn't care. They were off to save lives.



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