The Blade Family Secret

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A/N Very long paragraphs coming so be prepared!


Dream's POV

I walk back to base after Quackity closed the door. I reach base and head inside and head straight to the file room and start looking for the files Chaotic Bailey asked.

I find Nova Boba's first.

"So aye wassup my names Nova Night (or Boba) my last name was changed awhile ago to keep my identity a secret. Ever sense I was born sense I could crawl my parents trained me and taught me there ways . I was bruised, beat to the ground but as I grew up I slowly got stronger taking down bigger challenges, I started going to engineering class (idk if that's an actual class) I learned I also went to mechanics and I went to computers and more engineering classes and after that I started creating my own gadgets at only 8 years old. I was making bank lemme tell you, but my parents were taking all the credit for it. 7 years later im 15 and taking my 200th assassin job I was skilled I was more skilled then my parents could ever be I remember then I had a brother an older brother he had the same pink hair as me . We were so close very close my 16th birthday came he wasn't there.. I walked home from school hoping he would be there but he never showed up again. I am 16 and a half. I just got a job outside of the mafia so I would fit in with the villages around . I was walking home one night from a long night of paper work. The house and property was on fire and I see two corpses being wheeled away. they were bloody, axes wounds in the head, arms dangljng off, legs chopped up to pieces, faces burned to nothing, all I could reconize between the stab wounds and the blown up parts of there chest were the tattoos of our gang and i knew those were what was left of my parents. The fire on my house went out and everyone left I took my supply bag my mum and dad made for me in case of emergencies. I took every duffle bag I could find and shoved my gadgets in there and weapons with food and seeds with everything I owned and every piece of money that was left and rare items I had. The tv turned on unscathed from the fire. There was a world emergency someone has started an attack on the mafias mafia men and women were everywhere dead or dying. I know this was a very planned and thought out attack so many people wanted my family dead but no one had the balls to do it and that was my time to leave.I pack up camp and climb the tress sprinting through them swinging and jumping. I jump to the ground and walk a bit and I hear someone coming and hide behind a tree I run out and aim my dagger about to strike when they yell out," I read outloud closing the book.

I search for a while before coming upon Minty's book.

"Hey my name is Minty, well at least I go by Minty, I don't really trust anyone with my real name... The only ones who know my name is my mother and father. Anyways this is my story on how I met my friends! When I was young I was always more of the silent type, but I learned and caught onto many things quickly. Once I could fully walk and talk I was sent to go observe my mom's people work in the mines. No I said mom right? I don't have a dad, he left when I was born because he thought I was going to be a problem. But my mom,on the other hand, was a very caring lady very generous, her name was Eclipse. I remember when we were filling boxes with ores to trade she slid a whole diamond chestplate as an extra gift! I watched as she didn't charge them for the extra armor, what a waste of loot. Well, if you didn't know my family was the type of mafia to trade things, we trades ores, weapons, and armor anything that required ores we sold. When I was 10 I was able to start doing the trades myself wanting to learn to negotiate prices. I wasn't like my mom though, I never gave extras she would always nag me about it, which was annoying. I started hoarding stuff away for myself though, why you may ask? Because we had too many things, no one would notice a few scraps of diamond, gold nuggets, and Netherite scraps missing? Of course not, and if they did they wouldn't ask if I did it. When I was 15 I was resting in my room when I heard it. Screams. I look outside my window and there was fire spreading around like wild fire.
"Oh, shit" I muttered.
I grabbed my loot and stolen ores then went running around my home screaming for my mom.
"Mom?! MO-" I yelled seeing her from the kitchen window.
I looked out and saw her trying to defend other people, who knew her kindness would be her demise. I watched as she was stabbed from the kitchen window, not shedding a tear because I was never find of emotions, it was all about work. I duck down before the killer, who looked like someone from the Blade family, saw me. This was no good. I take some food and run through the back of our home and into the woods. Running as fast as my legs could carry me, not caring if I got lost because I'm planning to never go back. As I was running I hear a bush behind me rustle, but when I turned around I was pinned the the floor with what felt like the touch of a cold blade by my neck. I opened my eyes quickly seeing one of the Blades daughter who had just turned 16 today.
"GET OFF OF ME YOU DUNDERHEAD!" I yelled as I tried to pry her off of me.
After hearing my voice she recognized who I was, I mean I get it I'm not in work clothing like I usually am. Now back to the story, as we were trying to find a clearing, we find one! Sort of. It was a road. While running I wasn't watching where I was going, that's when I ram into someone at full force. This is where my new life begins." I read, I close the bool and start searching for Chaotic Bailey's book.

I look under C,nothing. I look under B, nothing. I look under T and N, nothing. I start looking through the rest of the files, not caring how much time has passed. I see messages pop up. I pay no attention to them. I keep looking for the book. By the end of my searching and going through every book and every file, I can not find a single word about who Chaotic Bailey is or where they came from.

"Hey Dream, woah what happened here?" George asks walking into the room.

"There's nothing, no information on Chaotic Bailey, just from what I am assuming they found her on a the side of the road on a moutain running away from somewhere," I say.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Chaotic Bailey isn't their real name?" George asks flippling through files.

"Yes I have but the only two people close to their age is my sister and Tubbo's, both are dead," I say.

"Okay that's odd you have files of everyone," George says.

"I know, but I don't have theirs," I say.

"So it's like they nevered existed?" George asks.

"Or they were never put down on file," I say.


Ello! Longer chapter!

I want y'all to know I am not the only one writing this, there are actually three people writing this.

If you are curious

I_aM_dUmMb is Minty and has written Minty back-story

Maddy_375 is Nova and has written the back-story

Both help with the story and its very much appreciated. And it's fun seeing them get all like excited when coming up with an idea

anyway til next time!


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