💫Brotherly Bonds🧸

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"Are you being serious right now Joel!?!" Jackson yelled after Joel.

The two were walking down the hallway towards the kitchen when Joel told Jackson that he needed to watch Sam and Lily for a few hours the next day.

"Yes I'm serious. I need you to watch them while I take Olly for his driving lesson tomorrow."

"But I don't want to! I want to sleep in and hang out with my friends tomorrow!" Jackson complained.

"Stop whining Jax, I already have two of those little whiners. I'm not asking that much of you!"

"Yeah but can't Sam just watch Lily? It will only be for a few hours and besides they don't misbehave that much!" Jackson pleaded.

Joel actually chuckled at him, Lily and Sam are chaotic when they are together and everyone knows it.

"Jackson you are watching them tomorrow, end of story. No arguments."

"Fine." Jackson rolled his eyes and walked pass Joel.

Before Jackson could completely pass him he reached out and poked his side. Jackson flinched and let out an uncharacteristic high-pitched screech, completely not expecting his big brothers' surprise attack. Joel burst out laughing at his brothers hilarious reaction. Jackson slunk down to the floor, red in the face from embarrassment.

"Hey stop laughing at me Joel!" Jackson whined, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry but I keep forgetting how insanely ticklish you are!" He continued to laugh at his little brother's expense until there were tears brimming in the corners of his eyes.

"I'm not that ticklish..." Jackson muttered under his breath when he thought that Joel wasn't listening.

"Oh you're not?" Joel flipped his head around and smirked at his little brother. Jackson took that as his queue to bolt in the opposite direction towards the living room. He hopped over the back of the couch and nearly avoided landing right on top of Olly. Jackson scrambled to the other end of the couch and stuck his head under one of the throw pillows.

"Dude what are you doing?" Olly snorted at his ridiculous-looking brother.

"I'm hiding from Joel." Jackson's muffled voice came from under the grey throw pillow. Olly snorted and went back to looking at his phone. Joel walked over to the living room and walked around to the front of the couch. He sat down near Jackson's feet and looked at his 'hidden' brother.

"Oh Olly, have you seen Jackson around lately?" Joel asked Olly with a huge grin on his face.

"Umm...I don't think so..." Olly responded looking back down into his phone. Joel stood up and sat back down next to Olly's head and ruffled his hair.

"You know Olly, it would be a shame if you were to be lying to me right now." Just as Joel said these words to Olly, he dug his fingers into Olly's ribs. He burst out laughing and arched his back, his hands latched onto Joels hands as they worked their way into his armpits. Olly's laughter rose in volume as his thrashing became more violent.

"JooEELL!!! WAaiTT!!! I'll TELL YoU!" Olly screeched, kicking his feet and laughing hysterically. Joel enjoyed being playful again with Olly. He rarely spent quality time with Olly and Jackson anymore because they were too 'cool' for their big brother now. On the other hand, Sam and Lily didn't want Joel out of their sights for too long.

Joel hadn't realized that he had spaced out until Olly's hands were in his face, pushing at his nose weakly. Joel removed his scribbling fingers from under his brother's arms and chuckled. Joel held Olly's hands in his and kissed his forehead.

"Joel?" Olly quietly giggled out.


"Jackson is over there, hiding his face under the pillow." Joel snorted and pulled Olly onto his lap and hugged him tightly, burying his face in the crook of Olly's neck. Olly let out more giggles and scrunched his neck to his shoulder at the feeling of Joel's hair rubbing against his neck.

Joel stood up and ruffled Olly's hair before walking over to Jackson and scribbling on the bottom of his feet. He was feeling relatively evil today and looked over at over Olly.

"Olly come help me! When are you ever going to get an opportunity to get the upper-hand on your big brother again?" Joel whispered over Jackson's muffled laughter.

"Okay, I don't see why not. But you have to protect me! Don't let him get me back!"

"Alright I'll protect you Mr. Olives." Joel smiled, knowing that Olly HATES when anyone calls him Olives.

"Hey! Don't. Call. Me. Olives!" Olly whipped his head around and instead of going to help Joel, he turned around and tackled Joel. Joel screamed out in surprise as he was tackled by him. Jackson felt the hands leave his feet and he bolted in the opposite direction, down the hallway and into his room.

"Awww our victim got away!" Joel complained. "I'm going to have to get you again before I make dinner!"

"No! Wait! We can snuggle instead! I promise! Then you can teach me how to drive tomorrow! Just don't tickle me again!"

"Alright, alright, come here." Joel pulled him close and snuggled him for a while before getting up and making dinner.


Joel, Jackson, Olly, Sam, and Lily were all sitting around the dinner table eating their spaghetti and meatballs.

"Hey guys, what was all that noise about before dinner?" Sam asked with his face covered in spaghetti sauce.

"Nothing!" Jackson and Olly said at the same time. Joel just chuckled, lucky to have this amazing family.

A/N: Next chapter we will see Jackson watching Sam and Lily for a few hours. What kind of trouble will those two get into? You can always leave requests! The request for the next chapter will be from @daddy_midas_
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