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March 11 2017 (Same Night)

Louis Tomlinson• (Lou—ee)

"C'mon it's starting soon!" Marissa tugs my hand through the crowd outside the concert venue in our town, her purple painted fingernails digging into my wrist tightly with zero remorse as I get dragged to this show she's been dying to see.

 Tonight was the night that the punk rock band Duplicity was in town. They were a band of nineteen year olds who were not necessarily A-list celebrities yet but definitely becoming ones. It was a Wednesday night, also known as a school night and I really shouldn't be here but Marissa has been dying to see them for a while so I couldn't make her go alone. I've listened to some of their songs, they're really good but Marissa has a complete hard on for them. She's freaking out on a whole new level.

 We were in the more...abstract part of town. It was a place we really shouldn't be this late at night just because of the crime rate that happens down here. The Arthur James Theatre was a small venue for small bands. Tickets cost no more than twenty bucks for bands that came to this location in Port Chester New York, couple of hours from the city. 

 I never really knew why bands played here, there was nothing really happening in Port Chester. We were a good two hours out from the city itself, so I never understood why people would make the travel out here to this run down venue.

 Outside the entrance there were people all standing around lighting up and talking amongst themselves. The air was thick of smoke and banter while Mar gave our tickets to the bouncer. She continued to pull me into the venue, pushing through the crowds with her persistent personality of getting good spots. It was nice to have her in situations like this because she always finessed her way into getting what she wants— in this case good spots to see the band.

 There were masses of people all around, crowding inside the venue as the show started in roughly four minutes. We could've been proactive and came earlier but I'm really bad at being ready on time so it was my fault we were getting here this close to the start. Apparently, Duplicity doesn't have an opening performance either so if we miss the start then she'll definitely kill me.

 With my camera strap around my neck, I got tugged through the crowd by her tight sweaty grip. The theatre had no seating, it was just first come first serve general admission. The place was packed already but I know she had a mission to get to the very front. 

 I really hated crowded rooms, I don't know why I really agreed to go to this. I hated the tight fits to squeeze through and the sweaty people lacking deodorant. The crowd in here consisted of guys with tattoos, beers, ripped shirts and hard stares. The girls were a variety of strong perfume, heavy eyeliner and short leather skirts. The crowd was intimidating to say the least, and I felt really out of place even if Mar made us wear one of my more scandalous outfits. 

 I was in a tight black skirt that went just to my mid-thigh, but my shirt was white. It was a tight long sleeve with a deep v. I'm pretty sure I was one of the few wearing white but my cleavage was still very out.

 I really didn't want to push by these people considering they all look like they could hurt me but Marissa really didn't give a shit cause she was plowing through everyone like it was the end of the world, yanking me behind. I was giving apologetic eyes to people we rudely pushed passed and step on here and there.

 "Mar you can't just push by everyone." I say as she keeps pulling me in her rapid trail. 

 "If I'm not able to see a beam of sweat rolling down the bass guitarists forehead then I am not close enough!" She argues while dragging me closer and closer to the front, weaving through the bodies.

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