I care

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I sat in the waiting room with Sweet Pea and Toni Fangs refused to sit with us. " Whats up with Fangs?"  I asked Toni. " Nothing his just complicated. And he's been trying to tell you something all night. But it's been a complicated night so he will be okay." Toni said. "Spt Toni come here" fangs said as Toni walked over to him

   It had been hours and all you wanted to do is go to sleep. Your head lied on Fang's shoulder. As you battled your eyes to stay awake. " Come on your name you have to sleep sometime " Fangs said. " fine I'll go to sleep when he wakes up but until then I have to stay awake " I said " no y/n you have to go to sleep now I'll take you to my place and you can go to sleep please just come on " things begged you. " Fine things I'll go to sleep but only for a few hours " you negotiated. Fangs smiled a you walked out.

    When you got to Fangs house you both sat on the couch as Fangs listened to you rant about how bad of a sister you were . " I should have been there more I've only went to one of his football games. He was always there for me why couldn't I have been there for him. I was always out with my friends not even caring about where he was. What if he dies Fangs I... I would feel awful. I should have done something I  didn't have to just stand there watching him lye on the ground in pain. " I said almost in tears. " You could have done anything to stop it it happened now you just have to get over it Archie will be fine I promise" fangs said. "  But fangs what if he's not okay. What if I what if I'm about to lose my only brother my only sibling my only twin the only person in the world that cares about me. " I said in tears now. " No you're not about to lose him. And if you did you have people that do care about you you have me you have your dad Toni Cheryl Veronica Betty sweet pea you have the serpents you have a lot of people that care about you don't ever think you don't because you do. " Fangs Said pulling me into a hug he was in tears now too.

Fangs Fogarty x Reader❤️Where stories live. Discover now