CHAPTER THREE - Watching Eyes

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"Excellent, glad to have you working with us. See you Tuesday." the phone droned. I was still so dazed, thinking about the events of the previous night, I simply replied on mental autopilot with an unexcited, "thank you, see you then." It wasn't until after hanging up the phone that I realized I had gotten the job. "Wait...I got the job?" I said to myself out loud. I shot up excitedly from my seat on the couch in the living room and mentally cheered for myself. It was in no way an exciting job. It was simply a position at a library where I'd be cycling through returns, and putting books back on the shelves, but after weeks of rejection from other jobs, which I actually had been partially pleased I didn't get, it felt good. "Well, that's my major accomplishment for the day." I said to myself as I started making my way to the kitchen. I was gonna make myself a celebratory drink. What should I have I thought? A rum and coke? Screwdriver? Maybe a Moscow Mule? Rather than groceries, I had plenty of stock on my alcoholic preferences for my distraught nights where I needed something to numb the mind.
As I pulled out my glass of choice from the cabinet, my thoughts lingered again to the previous night. I stopped momentarily, shifting to lean against the counter. I was still so much in disbelief of the occurrence, I honestly started to think I had either dreamed it or had some kind of manic episode where my mind made it all up. I continued making my drink, and after throwing in the ice cubes I made my way back to the couch in the living room.
I looked up at the empty walls across from me. I tilted my head slightly in thought, then shifted in my seat, looking around the room. "maybe I should put up some art work?" I asked myself. It had become a habit to say things out loud. After all it wasn't as though I had anyone to really talk to and nobody was around to judge me for thinking out loud. I reseated myself in my original position, taking a swig of my beverage. I had mixed it stiff, just how I preferred. I leaned back against the cushions, head tilted back as I breathed out a sigh and tried to relax. Suddenly my cellphone rang. It startled me, and I immediately felt stupid for having jumped because of it. I picked it up and glanced at the number. Not a number I knew, so I silenced the call and placed the phone down on the couch beside myself. Yet again it rang. I silenced it again. It rang once more. "Jeez, wrong number! Get it through your head!" Upon saying that out loud the call stopped and was instead replaced by my text tone. I lifted the phone to my face and read off the screen, "answer the phone." Suddenly I felt a hint of foreboding. Barely a second after reading it, the same number showed up. This time I begrudgingly answered.
"Hello, (y/n)."
Immediately I recognized the deep voice on the other end of the phone. My breath hitched and again the combination of fear and excitement grew within me.
"It's a lovely evening isn't it? Are you staying in? Maybe you plan on watching a movie? How about a horror?" He continued. Every word that leaped off his tongue seemed so drawn out, and unnerving, yet truly I admired it. I'm not sure why but I chose to play dumb. "Who is this?" I asked. Though I knew exactly who it was and knew this was how his tactics began. "'s your favorite killer."
The imagine of his white mask immediately entered my mind, and my thoughts trailed to the way Ghostface had handled me only the night prior. I knew it was an awful thing what I was doing, and yet I was hoping the events of the prior night would be continued this evening. "Let me ask you something." He began, "do you feel safe in your new home?" The word new specially caught my attention. Sure, it probably would look apparent with how empty the household was that I had only recently moved in, but was it possible he had been watching me for a while? Within this thought he continued to speak, "have you checked the doors? Windows? Did you make sure it was all locked and secure?" Upon that question, I did wonder if I had done so, but retained a backwards thought, almost hoping I hadn't. "What do you want?" I asked in a low tone. Truthfully I was curious. Why hadn't he just killed me the night before? What good was I to him for allowing me to live? Maybe he just enjoyed toying with me? "Come on, (y/n). I just wanna have a little fun, and based on your reactions last night, I'd say you do too."
A blush began to form across my face, and I subconsciously lifted my hand to cover it. He chuckled lightly, "you're cute when you're shy." Knowing fully well now he was watching me, I couldn't help but feel vulnerable. I shifted my gaze to the large window to the side of the living room. I felt the need for the contact I had received before. It was dangerous, and I knew that, yet I wanted him to come in front of me again, loom over me and over power me. My emotions began to stir and I felt as though he was teasing me. In actuality he probably did plan to kill me, but in the moment he seemed to be having fun, pushing my buttons, hoping for reactions. Once again it all felt like too much. I looked to my glass on the table, lifting it just to realize it was empty. "I need another drink..." I said as I placed the phone down on the table and picked up my cup. I walked back to the kitchen, and began prepping my second drink. Knowing it was very unwise to leave myself unaware of my pursuing killer's position. I was honestly expecting him to grab me right then and there. I even prepared for him to be face to face with me. I waited a moment, and quickly turned to look behind myself after I have finished preparing my second alcoholic beverage. I actually felt disappointed when there was infact no figure lurking behind me.
As I made my way back into the living room I felt a cold shift in the air. I shivered slightly, then I heard a quiet creak coming from the front door. Tension was rising in the room again. I carefully made my way over to the front door, peering around the corner of the wall that divided the living room from the main hall that connected all the rooms and stairs of the house. The door was wide open. I paused for a moment, questioning how I should go about handling the situation. He was definitely in the house now, wasn't he? Or did he merely open the door and never enter to put me on edge?

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