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Emberly enters the hospital walking on the side of Spencer who lays on a gurney, a breathing mask on his face, with many gauze bandages on his shoulder trying to stop the bleeding.

Emberly was speed walking trying to keep up and not trip while walking in heels as the doctors and nurses pushing the gurney talked around her, but she as barely paying attention.

Mascara was running down her face from the crying she had did, blood covered her hands, dress and face. She looked like something straight out a movie.


"Emberly? Emberly, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait for your friend in the waiting room." The male doctor tells her as they turn a corner.

 "His name is Spencer, and I can't leave him. He needs me." Emberly says as she continues holding onto the gurney.

"Emberly, we both want the same thing, but I cannot assess Spencer's wounds until you let us go." 

"No! No! Spencer!" Emberly cries panicking when she saw Spencer move as a nurse grabs her stopping her from following the others.

 "You need to get your left wrist checked out in triage. This way." The nurse tells her holding Emberly arms trying to get Emberly to follow her but Emberly was still trying to get past.

"Get my patient an ICU code. The hospital's officially on lockdown." The  male doctor says as he leaves Emberly and the nurse, following the others who went with Spencer. 

"What's an ICU code? Why is the hospital on lockdown?" Emberly questions looking as the doctor walks away.

"The hospital has a lockdown procedure anytime a minor is admitted with a gang-related violent injury." The nurse explains as she walks Emberly somewhere. 

"Wait. So I can't see him?" Emberly cries breathing heavily.

"Not until the threat has been eliminated. Sorry. The lockdown really is for the patient's own safety. A lot of times, rival gang members will try and finish the job in the hospital." The nurse explains as Emberly stop walking.

She felt she couldn't breath, she needed to try to catch her breath because this couldn't be happening. Her adrenaline was over the roof and she was still in shock from everything that had just happend. How could this be happening?

"This way, sweetie." The nurse says putting her arms around her as she leads her somewhere as Emberly cries out walking with the nurse who leads her into a room to check out her arm.


A few minutes after the nurse had taken her to a room, an Officer had come I to the room to ask Emberly questions about the shooting. 

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