Girls night out

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In this chapter the girls are going for a sleepover and some secret shall be revealed. Also just clarifying  this takes place a few weeks later so the meeting for team valiant is done and I have mentioned what the results were. Hope you enjoy!

"You got everything sweetheart?" Edaline asked.

"Yep!" I replied. It had been a few days since we has started working on our team valiant projects, I, dex ,and Marella worked with Grady but till now we haven't found a lot of info... but we did have fun! Lots of fun! Biana and her group have been traveling a lot, and she and Linh have been hanging out a lot. They go shopping together, they eat together, they talk together, they even team up together every time! Sure they did stuff like that before as well but now a days I barely get to see her anymore, and when I do she is too busy doing things with Linh. I tried not to get jealous but it is hard. Very hard especially with how much Keefe and Silvia have been hanging  out. Ugh! I knew I should have assigned them another job, but I had to go and tell them to pair up and make plans to destroy the neverseen's in case we ever fight. I should have known Silvia would choose Keefe and that the only thing they would do is have fun.. without me.

"You ok?" Edaline asked noticing how tightly I was gripping Ella. 

"Yeah," I lied. She raised her eyebrow. "Fine.. have you ever been jealous?" I asked.

"Well depends... boyfriend jealous or just friend jealous?" Edaline asked.

I sighned. "Both, Silvia and Keefe are hanging out so much.. I.. I know he would never ditch me or anything. He is.. well Keefe, and I know he loves me a lot and cares for me tons more. But.. I can't help feeling jealous when he chooses Silvia when before he used to choose me," Tears started  rolling down my cheeck. "I feel like a horrible girlfriend.. who doesn't trust her boyfriend.. I mean who doesn't trust their boyfriend? Especially if it's someone like Keefe? And.. I.. I used to talk about this to Biana.. but ever since we split up to do team valiant projects.. I have seen her lesser every passing day. I.. I just can't handle someone stealing her from me.. she's my best friend! I used to do everything with her go shopping, talk, even secretly listen to conversations I really shouldn't be hearing.. and now.. now she does that with Linh.. and I.. I can't help being jealous.. I know it's not fair to Linh.. but.. I.. I am just a horrible friend," I said turning my head away as tears now practically streamed down my cheecks.

"Oh sophie.. it's not wrong to feel jealous. Everyone at one point does, but like you already know.. it's important to know that Keefe and Biana love you!" Edaline said wiping my tears away. "Think.. what if you were in keefe's shoes. You already have a beautiful girlfriend so you probably won't need another. Maybe Keefe just wants to help Silvia find friends and get used to this elvin life.. who knows what hardships she would have faced up until now. Keefe is a very kind boy, who always puts others before him.. especially you. He always puts you before him, all he wants is to see you happy.. do you really think he would ever want to hurt you?" I shook my head. "I am sure Keefe is just helping Silvia making her happy, not because he likes her but simply because she is his friend. I know it will be hard, but try to put yourself in keefe's shoes. Try looking at Silvia without jealousy.. does she act differently around Keefe and you? I think she is just a cheerful girl who ever she is with..," Edaline explained. I nodded, feeling a lot better. Edaline was an amazing mother.

"And about Biana, are you sure it's Biana's fault you don't have time together? I agree that Biana is busy with Linh but you have been busy too. You have been hanging out with dex and Marella a lot lately. You go shopping with Marella and dex and do tons of stuff with them. What if Biana wanted to do things with you but you were just busy? So she did it with Linh?" Edaline pointed out. I was shocked, I had never thought about it that way. And now that I though about it.. she was right.. I had been doing lots of stuff with Marella and dex.. 

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