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They fled under the cover of night, an angry mob chasing after them with torches and pitchforks. The two women raced hand-in-hand into the woods at the edge of town, the full moon watching over them from above, illuminating their path, ensuring their safe escape.

Neither knew how long they had been running for, all they knew was that they were drawing closer to safety, closer to freedom.

"We're almost there, I can see the edge of the woods." The one in front panted.

"I don't know if I can go on," the other one said between short, sharp breaths. "I feel as though my lungs are going to give out."

"We'll stop, then, but just for a moment. They're practically on top of us."

The two women came to a stop, just feet away from the edge of the woods. They were just starting to catch their breath when they heard the sounds of the mob. Shouting and dogs barking could be heard in the distance. They were getting closer.

The witch hunters.

The second woman turned to the first, terror consuming her, eyes wide with fear.

"Break time is over," she whispered, still trying to catch her breath from running so far for so long. They had been running for what felt like hours, trying to evade the town's witch hunters. It was becoming more than the second woman could handle, but she knew that if she was caught, it meant her life.

The first woman grabbed her hand. "We need to go," she said firmly. They started racing again, picking up speed.

The end was drawing nearer and nearer. They were almost free from their pursuers.


The second woman suddenly cried out in pain, collapsing to her knees and bringing the first woman down with her.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" The first asked. The second nodded, holding back the tears stinging the corners of her eyes. "My-my ankle snapped, and the muscles in my calves feel like they're on fire. I don't think I can continue," she sobbed.

The first woman's heart ached. She couldn't bear to even think about what would happen to her companion if she didn't escape.

"Nonsense," the first woman started, "I'll carry you the rest of the way, it isn't that far-" The second woman stopped her, gently pressing her fingers against the other woman's lips.

"We won't make it, my love, you need to continue alone," she whispered, the tears she once held back now making their way down her cheeks.

"Petunia, I'm not leaving you. They'll catch you, and you'll be-"

"Hanged, I know. But as long as you survive, Elizabeth, my soul will rest easily." Petunia interrupted.

Elizabeth sobbed, kissing the hand Petunia had once held to her lips, clutching it against her heart. The sounds of dogs and angry men drew closer, louder, until they were nearly there.

Petunia cupped Elizabeth's face. "Go," she whispered, the tears still streaming down her face which now adorned a bittersweet smile, as if she knew her end was drawing nearer but not all hope was lost.

Elizabeth drew Petunia in, kissing her deeply one last time. When their lips separated Elizabeth's lingered just a moment longer, not being able to pull herself away.

She pulled Petunia into a hug, possibly the tightest she had ever given. "I promise, I'll never forget you," she whispered. Petunia hugged her back and replied, "I love you."

"I love you too," Elizabeth sobbed.

The two pulled away slowly, wishing the moment wasn't ending like this, parting with a kiss on one another's foreheads.

"Go, they're right on top of us," Petunia whispered. Elizabeth nodded, choking back another sob and an endless stream of tears, and sped off into the night, leaving Petunia at the mercy of the town's witch-hunting mob.

-   T H E   W I T C H E S   O F   P E A R L   P E A K   -

Elizabeth fell to her knees outside of the woods, relief, guilt, and regret washing over her at the same time.

She turned her head to look at the denseness and darkness behind her, knowing that Petunia was gone, but not being able to shake the feeling that she could still save her if she was fast enough.

She stood and brushed herself off, wiping away the tears that had found their way down her face as she fled alone to safety. Her mind was made up.

She was going back for Petunia.

Elizabeth raced back through the woods, trying her best to retrace her steps, not caring that her dress was catching on brambles and her shawl and long blonde hair were catching on tree branches.

She had a long way to go, five miles, at least, and not much time to make it to the gallows in the town square.

Her clothes, hair, and all other things could wait. Her lover was in danger.

Finally, she emerged from the woods on the outskirts of town, breathless, covered in dirt and mud, clothes torn and hair full of twigs, feeling like her heart was going to burst.

I'm almost there, just a bit further, she thought, gathering her skirt and hurriedly making her way to the center of town.

Swiftly, she passed the inn and the tavern, the blacksmith and the cobbler, and then finally she saw the wooden frame of the gallows and Petunia's body lying crumpled on the ground in front of it.

The bastards hadn't even had the decency to bury her.

Elizabeth let out a quiet sob as she ran towards Petunia, falling to her side and cradling her in her arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my love. I wasn't fast enough," Elizabeth sobbed quietly.

She sat there a while, grieving and holding greatest and only love, running her fingers through her long black hair, remembering her hazel eyes that held flecks of green that once gazed upon her so lovingly.

Elizabeth gently pressed her forehead to Petunia's, shedding her final tears as she whispered, "Rursus occurremus refert ad Terram cum spiritu tuo. So I have willed it, so it shall be. I promise I will avenge you."

She placed one final kiss on Petunia's forehead, and once again fled into the night, all the while plotting her revenge.

-   T H E   W I T C H E S   O F   P E A R L P E A K   -

A/N: The Latin written above is supposed to translate to "We will meet again when your spirit returns to Earth." Literally translated (AKA when put into Google Translate), it translates to "We will meet again back to Earth with your spirit." Please feel free to correct me, if you know or speak Latin!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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