Chapter One

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I finished unloading the boxes from my car, "that should be the rest of them." I say as I bring the last box into my new home. I recently graduated collage and decided to move to Utah to be closer to some of my family members. I've been trying to get a job but I've been unsuccessful back in my home town.

"Hopefully I can find a decent paying job here." I say as I look in the newspaper for hiring jobs around the area. One of the ads for a restaurant called "Fredbears Family Diner" catches my eye. "Well I guess it's worth a try." I sigh as I grab my keys and head out to my car locking my front door on my way out.

When I arrive it seemed pretty packed with a bunch of kids screaming and running around the place. I walk in and a women named Rachael walks up to me.

"Hello welcome to Fredbears Family Diner what can I do for you today?" She asked "Hi, I was wondering if I could apply for a job, I saw you guys were hiring." I say "Yes we are Ill go get the owner." She says as she walks off to what seems to be an office.

Soon after a man with dirty blonde hair and a name tag that had the name "Henry" written on it walks up to me, "hello ma'am I hear you were looking for a job?" He says  "Yes sir," "ok just follow me to my office" he leads me to his office.

I gazed around the room as he was pulling out some papers, the office seemed to be very neatly kept and very professional. He handed me the papers and gave me a pen, "I just need you to fill these out and then I'll look over them for you." He said with a smile on his face.

I walked out of the room and sat in an empty booth. I started to fill out the papers as I saw a little kid, about 4 or 5 trip right in front of my and spilled his drink all over the floor and onto my shoes. "You have got to be kidding me" i mumbled to myself.

The boy picked himself up and apologized to me and two other kids came rushing over "we are so sorry miss" said the other boy who was about 14. "Oh it's alright." I said as I was about to get up to get some napkins.

A tall man who looked to be about 26 walked over towards me, "I am so sorry for my kids miss here let me help you with that" he said in a very formal British accent. He started to wipe up the mess with a towel, "oh no you don't have to do that they didn't mean to." "Please I insist," after he got done cleaning the mess he reached his hand out to me " Im William Afton" he said. I shook his hand "Im Y/N L/N nice to meet you William" I said with a smile.

He looked over at the papers I was filling out, "Ah I see you are filling out for a job here?" He asked "Why yes I am actually." "Well I actually am the co-owner of this establishment and I could definitely talk to the owner about giving you a job here." He says. "Oh wow that would be wonderful thank you so much" I gave him a friendly smile, "Anytime miss Y/N" he winked and walked off to Henry's office
OMG MY FIRST FANFIC I am so excited for this book I hope you guys like it even if it's not that popular :> -willystylz

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