Chapter Two

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William walked back from Henrys office. "Alright miss considering you know my business partner, I suppose I can grant you a job here." I smiled at him "Thank you sir, you wont regret it! So when do I start my working here?" I asked him. "You start today actually. we are pretty desperate for employees after the.. incident." Henry said as he scratched the back of neck nervously. William just stared at me. Honestly it creeped me out but I just kept talking to Henry. "That's fine I'm able to start today" I said smiling. "Good William go get her a uniform" William nodded, "follow me love." he said smiling.

I followed William to a closet which consisted of a pile of uniforms. "Here you go." He said as he handed me a purple button up shirt, black pants, and a golden badge, "Thanks William, for getting me this job. I really owe you one." "Oh the pleasure is all mine miss Y/N" he smirked.

He had that kind of smile where I didn't know if it was supposed to creep you out or if he was just trying to be nice. I have to say he is quite the gentleman. His accent only adds to his attractiveness. He was only 6 years older than me so it wasn't that big of a deal if I had gained a small crush on him but I doubt that'll ever happen. Besides, he is my boss, not someone I can just hook up with and call it a day.

I went to the bathroom to change into my uniform, honestly, I hated the color purple but in a way it kind of looked nice on me. I walked out and saw William leaning against the wall across from me. "You look lovely in purple." He eyed me up and down, which that kind of made me uncomfortable but I just rolled with it and thanked him.

Me and William walked back to the main room to find Henry on the phone looking worried he walked up to me. "Y/N, I just received a call from your landlord, he told me your apartment had been robbed after you left. I am so sorry." I was in shock. I got robbed? how?  "William do you think you could let Y/N live with you for a month or so? Just so we can find her another place to stay?" "Wait what?" I said. "I think that would be fine." William answered. "Great! I'll start looking for new places for you to live Y/N"
"Thank you Henry" I was a little nervous to live with a stranger that I had just met but if it meant I had somewhere to live its alright with me.

My first day was going good so far, other then getting robbed and having to live with Willian that is, I've only had to help kids find their parents a few times, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Most of the day consisted of me wandering around or just hanging out backstage alone. I honestly liked being backstage without anyone to bother me.

Just as I was enjoying the piece and quiet I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I looked around and saw nothing but when I turned around I had run into William. "Oh Y/N I didn't expect you to be back here. I need your assistance darling." He lead me into pirates cove with Foxy the pirate. "Do you think you could help me patch up Foxys missing fur?" I nodded "Wonderful, alright I have the spare fur in the bag. All you need to do is glue the patches of fur onto where foxy needs it replaced. You think you can do that?"

I nodded, "Great, if you need anything I'll be in my office" he smiled then left me to do the job. I grabbed the bottle of superglue and fur and I began patching Foxy up.

After what felt like an hour I was finally finished.I grabbed the bag and the glue and walked over to Williams office. I knocked on the door waiting for a response. Nothing. I knocked again because I thought maybe he hadn't hear me the first time. Nothing. "Ugh fuck it." I mumbled  and I decided to just invite myself in. He wasn't there. "That's odd he said he would be in here." I shrugged it off and placed the bag down by his desk and the clue next to it.

I was just about to turn around when I felt something grab my wrist. I turned my head to see William standing there. "Y/N why are you in here?" "I- I was just putting the fur and glue back. I knocked several times but you didn't answer." I said nervously. He let go of my wrist "fine but next time don't let yourself in here without my permission, got it?" "Mhm"
Sorry this chapter is so short I'll make tomorrow's chapter longer :> -willystylz

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