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When sight finally comes around, everything changes. It was still before, but now I'm on a path, forest surrounding both sides of it. It's straight, made of dirt, but well taken care of. I need to follow it. The urge to see what's on the end is just too much. 

It only takes a few minutes of walking before I can see a building. I feel like I should have something with me, though? An item. A suitcase? No. Something. I need something, but I don't  have it. Maybe, it'll be inside that large building. 

Something about it is horrific. The smell of death radiates off of it like it was always meant to hold it. Getting closer, I can see there is a very tall, strong built man, who holds onto something large. As I reach the bottom step, I can see that it is large, wide sword. 

He looks me in the eye, not saying a word. This man is someone I have never met before, though I'm sure it'll be that way for the rest of the people inside. Remember, Eli, there are people here who you've been warned to stay away from. They will hurt you. Be afraid. 


The man doesn't say anything as he moves in front of the manor door and grips his weapon tighter. This is the manor, right? It has to be, but he seems to not want me here. Why? Is he afraid? I'm the one who should be, as he could obviously win in any sort of fight. 

"My name is Eli Clark. I don't know if anyone told you, but I have come to this manor because-" 

"You're the replacement. I see." 


The man moves out of the way, opening the front door to the manor. I don't even get the chance to walk up the stairs before feeling the countless eyes on me. Looking up, there are many people inside, all staring. Who are they? Have they been waiting on me to arrive? 

I walk up the porch stairs, stopping in the doorway. They must've been waiting for me, as one of the females slowly walks up to where I stand with a smalls smile. She turns to the tall male that had been guarding the door before pulling me in by the arm. 

"Thank you, Percy. We'll take care of him from here." 

The way she speaks is calm, her hand staying gently around my arm. I wan to pull away, but she seems attached for no reason. I don't want to make her upset, but she is far too close for someone I just met. 

As soon as the door closes again, her eyes go wide. Fear. She's afraid of something. Her grip on my arm gets tighter and tighter, as she looks me in the eyes. I wan to look away, but I can't. She's pulling me in too hard. 

"What did they do to you? Eli, you have to tell me right now before they come back, what did they do? Where did they take you?" 

Scream. I want to scream for one of the others to help me, but now that I look at them, they all look just as frantic. How many people are actually here? Nine? No, ten, not including me. Are some of them those dangerous people? From the look in their eyes, I'd guess yes. There was no chance to run away. The floor sways under me, head foggy. 

"Eli, please!" she begs, "It's me! Fiona! Tell me what they did to you!" 

Fiona... the priestess. The first one I was warned against. She's right here, grip tight. Pushing her away with all my force, the girl falls to the ground, crying out in pain as she slams against the hardwood floor. 

"Shit..." a boy mumbles, shuffling over to help her up. His pretty brown hair is soothing to look at, making him seem like a person I should trust, but I now know I can't. I cannot trust anyone here. My fiancé is waiting for me at the end, so I have to make it out alive for her. 

Yes... Gertrude. I cannot see her face, but there's a calming smell that sits in the back of my mind. It has to be hers. I can feel soft arms around me when I imagine it. It's real. It has to be real. 

"Eli, listen to me. I don't know what the fuck they did to you, but you did not have to push Fiona," the brunette states, getting closer. No. I need to yell for help. 

Seeing through my plan, he slams his hand down over my mouth, pushing me up against the wall, right by the door I just came through. That man on the other side. Percy? He'll surely help me from these crazy people, right? 

"PERCY!" The scream is muffled, but I know he heard it. There was no way for him not to. 

No. I want to go home. That place I can just barely remember the feel of. The place I went numb and cold. That isn't here. I try to struggle, but new hands come up, a calmer voice dismissing the boy who just slammed me into the wall. 

They caress my face. Yes. This is where I'm supposed to be. Gertrude? Are you there? Is that you? Did you come to the manor to get me away from the bad people? 

"Please, sunshine, I need you here. Please, don't leave me again..." they whisper. I can't help but grab onto the hand that's on my cheek, holding it there tight. 

That place. Where we would sit in Tracy's room and watch all kids of old documentaries Wu Chang could find. Where we'd go to the spectating room to make fun of bad kites. Where we'd eat dinner together on the porch, watching Emma work from the garden-


The door slams open, catching on Aesop's shoulder hard. It rips at his limbs, forcing him to fall down to the ground. Percy grabs my wrist, pulling me outside and slamming the door shut. No. I made a mistake. I'm starting to remember. I know these people better than anyone, but Percy. I don't know him. Please. Let me go back. 

I can't help but simple cry as Percy pulls me off the porch, doing everything he can to keep me from getting back to that door. They slam into it, but it's useless. Percy is taking me somewhere. 

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think they'd act like that. This must be terrible for your first time in the manor..." 


No, I pushed Fiona, tried to fight Naib! Let me go! I have to go a back!

I remember them! I remember my room! Even if that's it, it's enough to start! 

Something is wrong with the manor. I broke something. I know I did. That's all I can remember. Someone in here is against us. 


A hunter? 

I think so. 

I can't remember a thing else 

and I'm not sure if I ever will.


Hi! Welcome to the sequel of broken heart-strings! white eyes, blank souls is uhm yeah idk. These first chapters were the intro to it, so yeah! I'll be working to get more out to you all as soon as possible! I'm not sure if anyone even still wants to read this, but if you came from the first book, hi! Thanks for making it this far!

I've gotten better at writing, but these first chapters were a bit rushed. Please, allow me a few more to get back into the flow of things. I hope it can be better than the first book.

That's really it!


white eyes, blank souls (broken heart-strings sequel)Where stories live. Discover now