Met you at the party

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minho rich kid 😏 this has 900+ words 😟😟 so its shit but yuh (this isnt proof read 🥱)
"Preparations are complete for the masquerade party tonight." Chan says. "Really? All in two whole days?" Minho asks. "Didnt you say, "Lets have a masquerade party in two days stat. Don't forget to invite the royals." Or something?" Chan chuckles. "I don't..recall such a thing." Minho sits down and stirs the wine with his hand. "Having wine at sunset is really...amazing." Minho looks outside. "You'll have to get ready in a few hours to welcome the guests in. Should we start setting the tables up?" Chan asks. "Go ahead. I'd like to find my future partner at the party." Minho sips his wine. "We'll do it right away." Chan bows and walks off.

"I wish to find you." Minho smirks at the red wine.
It was finally 10pm. The party started.

Minho sat in his throne. (flex) Looking at every person that enters who are wearing masquerade masks. (half masks that only cover their forehead to nose or something 😟) "Half of the guests arrived and are now in the ballroom. Would you like to make an appearance in the ball room?" His servant asks. "In a few minutes." Minho says and yawns. "Alright. Should I ask someone to entertain them?" He asks. "Go do whatever. I'll be there soon." Minho says. "Yes sire." The servant nods and walks off in a hurry.

"This is getting boring." Minho rises from his seat and walks off.
"Its a masquerade party you dummy so wear this." Felix says and passes Jisung a checkered masquerade mask with a feather glued on. "I-I'm not going in like this! Jisungs yells as he points to the dress and wig. "Father'll be mad at you if you dont." Felix sighs. "Who cares about that old man? All he does is sleep and eat while he makes his kids do all the work." Jisung says. "Hes still our father! Gosh. Jisung, if you go in.. I'll buy you whatever you want." Felix says, trying to bribe him. "Anything?" Jisung raises his eyebrow. "Anything." Felix smiles. "Bet." Jisung grabs the mask and puts his on his face. "Now you look cool!" Felix points to the mirror. "Uh huh..its really basic but if your saying you'll buy me anything." Jisung opens the door and takes a deep breath.

"I keep forgetting he has a large ass palace." Jisung looks up at the tall building. "Now go go go." Felix drags Jisung into the palace. "Invitations?" The guard asks. "Here." Jisung ruffles through his pocket and shows him. "Proceed." The guard says. "That was hard." Jisung takes a deep breath. "Its because your always cooped up in your room." Felix chuckles. "Shut up." Jisung frowns.
"Close the gates in 10 minutes if no one else arrives. I don't want spies walking into my territory." Minho says and watches as people walk into the large room filled with tables of food on the side. "As you wish sire." The servant walks off. "Hmm.." Minho hums as he looks at every single person. Female and male.

Then a female with a white mask catches his eye. Wearing a white dress while holding a venetian mask. (I'M TRYING MY BEST TO DESCRIBE 😭😭) "She seems...unique." Minho smiles and walks to the center.

"Hey look. Its the wannabe king." Felix points. "Jisung?" Felix looks around and sees Jisung taking a bunch of food. "Jisung!" Felix whispers loudly. Jisung rolls his eyes and walks over to him with a plate of food. "I didn't eat anything." Jisung says and fixes his dress. "Uh huh." Felix grabs a chocolate and munches on it.

"Welcome to my masquerade party. I am Lee Minho as you already know, the next heir in line for the throne. Today marks the tradition of my ancestors birthday where we hold a masquerade party for their deeds. I wish you all a excellent night and have fun!" Minho smiles.

Everyone claps and starts to mingle with people. "Shit." Jisung curses. "Jisung! No swear words." Felix pulls his cheek. "Okay okay sorry!" Jisung frowns and rubs his cheek. "Just..refrain from anything that disturbs the party." Felix asks. "Okay. But this dress is really annoying!" Jisung says. "Well... you look the most feminine from me so shush." Felix sighs. "Why am I the girl?!" Jisung huffs.

Someone then taps Jisung on the back. "May I have this dance?" The male smiles. 'Shit its the wannabe king.' Jisung says in his head and looks at Felix for help, but he wasnt there. "A-Ah..sure?" Jisung puts the plate on the table. "Follow my steps since you don't look like you dance." Minho chuckles. "I-I know how to dance!" Jisung says. "Oh? Alright." Minho says.
"I'd say you need to work on your dancing." Minho says and sits down. "I can't dance with heels." Jisung sighs. "But look." Minho points to the sky. "Woah." Jisung gets up and looks at it. "It looks you." Minho looks at Jisung. "I don't hear compliments often." Jisung chuckles. "You don't? Well that's concerning on how pretty you look." Minho says and walks up to Jisung.

"Isn't this too much?" Minho grabs the wig and takes it off. Jisung gasps and widened his eyes. "I knew it. Despite your feminine can't fool me." Minho grabs his chin. "H-Hey wait!" Jisung backs up. "How did you even know?" Jisung asks. "Your voice tone. Its too high pitched for a girl." Minho puts the wig away and walks up to him again. "Han Jisung." Minho brings him to a wall and pins him.

Jisung panicked and hid his face. "Why are you panicking? We're both men." Minho says and moves his hand away from the side of his head. "Or are you perhaps gay?" Minho takes his mask off. Jisung slightly blushes and nods.

"Then are you attractive to me?" Minho grabs his chin.

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