Step 11.5: Time Travel Is Definitely Not Bullshit

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She nodded. "I suppose I can help you. The ministry banned production of year-travel time turners, but the school has two left. I have one from a mission that the headmaster sent me on and the assistant headmistress has the other one. You can use mine, as long as you're out of here quickly!"

"Thank you so much, Pro- I mean, Minerva."

"I know you were going to say Professor. I'm not surprised, honestly." Minerva turned to the door. "I'll just go grab it and bring it here then."

Sirius flopped dramatically back down onto the couch, right on top of Remus, knocking the wind out of him. "But I'm so booooored, Minnie! Can we go somewhere?"

Minerva groaned and rubbed her temple in exasperation. "Fine! But if you cause any trouble, I will kill you."

Sirius, James, and Peter raised their right hands. "I solemnly swear to cause no trouble."


"It wasn't my fault!"


"Tell me about it! I have to live with them every day!"


"Isn't this just another reason to give us the time turner and get us out of here?"

"I hardly think that transfiguring Mr. Riddle's tie into the giant squid is reason to give you a time turner, Potter. He could have died! It started to strangle him!"

Sirius stifled a giggle on Remus's shoulder. Minerva scowled at him, only causing him to laugh more.

"He- he looked so funny though-" he broke down in laughter, bringing James and Peter with him. Even Lily and Remus were laughing along, as much as they tried to hide it.

Minerva resisted the urge to scream and hex one of them, and put the time turner in Lily's hand instead.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Timeline. NOW!"

Lily put the necklace around her and the Marauders' necks and turned it the correct amount of times to get them back to 1976.

Just as everything was fading out of view and into a bright white light, a Slytherin boy with dark brown hair came into the corridor they were in. Sirius recognized him immediately as Tom Riddle. After all, he wouldn't be a part of The Noble And Most Ancient House Of Black if he didn't recognize Tom or Voldemort. To be fair, he wasn't a part of their family anymore, but still.

"Oi! Tommy!"

The boy looked up from a leather bound notebook he was writing in when he heard Sirius' voice.

"Hiss hiss bitch!"

Then the group disappeared.


Marlene was sitting with Dorcas in the Gryffindor common room, just talking in front of the fire.

Then Sirius landed on top of her.

All the other Marauders (including Lily) landed in various places around the room. Remus landed on top of the coffee table, Lily landed in front of the fireplace, James landed on the window sill, and Peter landed on the floor behind the couch.

Once the room calmed down, Remus said, "Oi! That's my boyfriend, Marlene!" At the same time Dorcas said, "What the hell, Sirius! You're already dating Remus, you don't need to take my girlfriend as well!"

Marlene shoved a giggling Sirius to the floor and said, "Where were you? You've been gone for a day!"

Remus froze where he was trying to get Sirius off of the floor. "A day?"

"Yeah why?"

"What time is it?"

Dorcas frowned and put a hand on Remus' arm. "It's 6:34pm. Is something wrong? Are you ok?"

"Gotta go! Have Lily tell you what happened!" Remus sprinted for the door with James, Sirius, and Peter following close behind.

Marlene and Dorcas turned expectantly to Lily, who started telling the story.

If Lily didn't keep their attention on her, they would have looked out the window to see a wolf, stag, dog, and rat running into the forest.


A/N: we're gonna pretend that Tom Riddle was at Hogwarts in 1954...

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