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Here I am again. Ready to walk through the doors to have my Hogwarts house chosen again.

You may be asking... how again? Well my name is Rosetta Meryl Mikaelson but you can call me, Rose. You see my siblings, Elijah, Rebecca, Kol, Freya and Finn are all original vampires meaning they were the FIRST EVER VAMPIRES on earth. And well my twin brother, Klaus, he's an original hybrid... he's a werewolf and a vampire. And to top it off me, an original tribid, I'm a vampire, werewolf and witch. That's hella a lot to get your head around, but you'll get used to it.

Me and my siblings have lived for over a 1000 years. Most of that time was running away from our father Michael. But I locked him in a coffin using my spells. And my mother ... my brother put her in a deep slumber in a coffin.

The only reason me and my family all split up was because Klaus tried to put us all in a deep slumber. It worked on the others but not me. I placed Klaus in a curse, one were he was only a vampire and he couldn't use his werewolf side of himself.

That's were I ran away to Hogwarts. It was 1940, that's where I met Tom Riddle. He was the best friend you can ask for. He was kind and caring.

It was after summer 1941, Tom Riddle asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes. We were the power couple of the school. He was the best boyfriend I could've asked for.

During high school, Tom found out that he was related to Salazar Slytherin. Tom opened the chamber of secrets unleashing the beast within.

One secret that I kept from everyone was that I created the death mark. You see I had turned off my humanity switch by my own choice and I created the death eaters for Tom during 1949. Every single death mark was tattooed on by my powers on the death eater.

After a while, I turned my humanity switch back on and realised what evil I was doing. I ran away and found my brother yet again. Me and him went around the world. He didn't remember I placed a curse on him since I made him forget. And then our father found us, we then had to split up again as we couldn't risk our father finding us both. So I went back to Hogwarts... again.

This time I met James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. And yet again I created another thing the Marauders map. We all were animagus James was a stag, Sirius was a dog and Peter was a rat. Well, Remus, he wasn't one... he was a werewolf. So every full moon I used to transform with him and keep him company making sure he wouldn't hurt anyone. He wasn't comfortable being a werewolf so I made him a moon ring.

The moon ring was to stop him from transforming on a full moon. He could control when he changed... just like me.

We finished Hogwarts, and James fell in love with Lily Evans, another friend of mine. And me and Sirius was in love.

But it didn't end very well. After joining the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort, who was Tom, went after James and Lily who recently had a child named Harry. Yeah... James and Lily died and Harry survived but with a cost.

Sirius was put in jail for betraying James and Lily. I guess I just have a thing for the bad guys...

Rosetta Mikaelson-  The ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now