Here we go again...

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One sentence Dumbledore sent me "protect Harry Potter at all costs"

Of course, this is like my third time being at Hogwarts. Not gonna lie, it was good to be back in 9 3/4, I missed the steam train.

I walked on the train to take my seat in an empty cabin. I preferred to be alone right now anyway to figure out what Harry looked like now. I hadn't seen him since he was a tiny baby.

I had gotten word that Sirius had broken out of prison, probably why I was summoned to come back to school. After a few minutes we had set off the train suddenly came to a halt. I sat there for a minute wondering what was happening.

Then everything froze. Literally. The windows started frosting up and then the train jerked forward.

I could hear in the distance a door open, but no footsteps... how peculiar...

I heard people shouting Harry... Wait! Harry.

I jumped up quickly to find the source of the voice. And then the train began to move again all of a sudden.

I started walking a bit quicker and then saw a man walk out of a cabin and I walked into that one.

"Eat some chocolate here" I said handing him chocolate after he woke up "it'll help"

"Thanks" Harry replied taking the chocolate "what was that thing"

"My guess is a dementor, I didn't actually see it but guessing by your face and the frosty windows, a dementor" I replied.

"I don't think we've met before" a girl with bushy hair said "my name is Hermione Granger, this is Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter"

"A pleasure to meet you all" I replied "my name is Rosetta Mikaelson"

When we arrived at Hogwarts I took my bags and went straight to Dumbledores office.

"Rosetta" Dumbledore welcomed me "I'm glad you came"

"We'll your sentence did sound pretty important"

"Yes, yes"

"I understand what I have to do" I said.

"Good" Dumbledore replied "well we better get to the hall and get you sorted then"

"Of course"

After my bags were taken care of I walked towards the great hall and waited for my name to called out.

"Now our first years have been sorted" Dumbledore started to say "we have a a new third year student, please welcome Rosetta Mikaelson"

As soon as Dumbledore had said my name I walked in confidently to take make seat.

"Hmmm..." the sorting hat started "it's like I've sorted you before"

"No you never I think you made a mistake" I whispered.

"Hmmmm... of course my apologies" the sorting said unconvinced "well then, a lot of power and potential... SLYTHERIN!"

Everyone on the slytherin table clapped as I walked over. A girl waved me over to sit next to her.

"Hi, my name is Pansy" she said.

"Well you already know my name m, but call me Rose" I replied.

"Nice to meet you Rose, my name is Draco, Draco Malfoy"

"My name is Blase"

"And my name is Mattheo Riddle"

"Wait Riddle" I questioned.

"Yes, why a problem"

"No, no"



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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