Giovanni x female team dim sun reader

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(Shush, I had an idea.) (Not going to be a romance, but an adventure 1.)


Im with my friend, sunny. We are moving the boxes onto the ship. Idk where it's going, but it's going some where. "Hey y/n!" A male voice yell my name from a distant. Me and sunny turn to whoever called my name, it was max. "Hey y/n, truth or dare?" He ask me. "Dare," I replied. "I dare you to go to the kanto region and take a picture of the boss leader of these team rocket, without getting caught," max said putting a smug smile on his face. "The kanto region?! Are you out of your mind?! And team rockets?! I heard from one of the people that the leader and the team is dangerous. Why do you always make dangerous dares?!" Sunny shouted at max. Our other teammates started to look our way. "Its ok sunny, I'll do it. Besides, it never hurt to see a different region," I said trying to reassure sunny.

Time skip

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sunny ask me that question like a hundred times. "Yes I'm sure, I'll be careful," I said getting annoyed by the same question. I hold a camera that max gave me, I put it in my bag just to make it safe. "Ok if you say so, dont be afraid to back down," sunny said, showing anger in her eyes. I know sunny is angry at max. "I'll be back with the picture of the team rocket leader," I said with determination. I turn around, got on the boat that is going to kanto region, and sent to go sit down on the floor. "Welp I'm off!" I shout at my friend and teammates. Lots of byes and good lucks when the boat started moving. Not even 8 minutes later, I got seasick.

Time skip again

I made it to kanto region. I got off the boat fast to vomit in the trash bin. 'I hate the seas I thought to myself. I grab my bag, open it, and look inside the bad. He gave me a camera that can also flash a light. 'Welp time to find the leader of the team rocket' I thought to myself again. I started walking off the docks, only to stop and realize that I don't know where to start. Oh boy.

Yet another time skip (sorry)

Im holding a camera in my hands. I'm hiding in a Bush to make sure I don't look suspicious. I'm pretty sure some people gave me a weird look when I'm wearing a uniform that doesn't look familiar. "Alright you grunts, start looking for a pikachu!" A Male voice said loudly. "Yes sir!" Multiple voices said. I turn my attention to the owner of the voice. It's a guy with purple hair, with a few of team rocket grunts. Doesn't look like leader, more like an adimin. I stayed quiet in my hiding spot. The team rockets uniforms are color black with an R in the middle. Ew. Suddenly I feel something sitting on my back. I turn my head back to see a pikachu on my back. 'Aw a pikachu' I thought to myself. Wait a minute. 'OH NO, THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A PIKACHU. IF THEY COME TOWARDS HERE IM SPOTTED!!' I shouted in my head. I slowly crawled backwards, making sure not to make a noise. The pikachu is sorta heavy. When I got far enough from the search party. I got the pikachu off my back. I try shooing the pikachu away, but it tilted its head as if its confused.
"Pika pika!" It said loudly. "Did you hear that?" A female voice said. "It came from over there!" Another voice said. I started sweating. 'Welp time to run' I thought to myself. I bolted to the right to make sure to get away from the search party. "Hey who's there?!" A female voice shouted. Shoot.

3 hours later

I ran in a random direction. I made sure to take a break in a hiding spot. The pikachu that they are looking for, followed me. I made it to a random city. I don't like it much considering a few of these buildings are to bloomin tall. I started walking around. My e/c sparkled when I saw a f/p plushie. "Excuse me miss," a female voice said behind me. I look behind me, there is a female officer. "Yes?" I ask. "You need to put your pokemon in there pokeball," female officer said. "What's a pokeball?" I ask her. "You don't know what a pokeball is?" She ask me. I shake my head. She reach into her pocket and pulled out a ball with red and white. "This is a pokeball," she said. She try handing it to me, but I didn't bother to grab it. I grab the camera in my left hand and raise it up. I click on the bottom at the top left. The flash came on and sorta blinded her. I turn back and ran for my life to get away from the officer.

More time skip

I made it to a good hiding spot. I sat down on the ground. I don't like this region, its to weird. "Pika?" I forgot about the pikachu. I grad it and held onto it, I don't like being alone. "Did you find the pikachu yet?" A male voice said, startling me. I'm to scared to peak. "What?! There was someone else that was in the forest?!" He said, sounding angry. I need to be brave. (I can't describe the hiding spot. Just imagine hiding behind a big trash bin in the allyway.) I took a peak, that's not the leader. This guy has green hair. I grimace. 'Shoot, not the guy I need' I thought to myself. I retreat to my hiding spot. I suddenly feel drowsy. I sway my head back and forth. I dont think the pikachu want my to take a nap. It use shock on me. 'Owch' I said to myself. I'm now wide awake. Silence is the only thing I can hear right now. I took a peak to made sure the green haired guy is not there. No one on the streets. That actually scares me. Coming out of my hiding spot, I saw a lady with red hair. She wears a white uniform instead of black. I froze on the spot.'oh shoot oh shoot, I'm going to be spotted' I thought to myself. Suddenly something grab onto the back of my uniform. "Well look what we have here~" a male voice said creepily. I started to sweat. "Looks like I caught the mystery person~" he said. I slowly turn my head back, the guy with green hair. I grab the camera and flash the light in his face. "AH THE LIGHT!!" He said letting go of me. Welp more running.

5 hours later (I like doing a readers POV, and another character POV. But not an author POV.)

I'm hiding in a tree to try and lose them. I didn't realize they are more smarter than my teammates. They are serious, strict, and take there job seriously. 'Yikes, I'm in big trouble when I get back to almia region' I thought to myself. "I got no time to search. I'm taking a walk in the woods. I got no time for this, I'll see you back at the headquarters," a male voice said. I look down from the tree, it's the team rocket leader. Yes now I can finish this stupid dare and get back home. Once I get home, max is going to get a black eye from sunny. I pulled out max's camera out, making sure to turn the flash off, point the camera towards the leader, and took a picture. Once that's done I started to play the waiting game.

1 hour later

He finally walk away. Now's my chance to make it to the docks. I started to climb down the tree. Once on the ground I booked it to all the way to the docks, which is going to take awhile.

Time skip to almost on the docks

I finally made it to the docks. Now just need to get on the boat and I'll be on my way to almia region. As I was about to step on the docks when I feel the back of my uniform being grabbed again. "And where do you think your going brat?" A voice said, sounding mad. Sweating I look behind me to see the leader of the team rockets, Giovanni. "All abored to almia region!" The captain said. I started to panick. I pulled the camera once again, and pointed at him. I push the button and the flash came on. He let go, and I ran to the boat that was almost away from the dock. I jumped and made it in time. The boat is now 10 feet away from the dock. Looking behind me to see a very angry Giovanni. I wave my hand to say goodbye the kanto region. "Pika pikachu!" Oh no. Forgot about pikachu that is still on my right shoulder.

(That was a long 1. But worth it.)

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