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In this part I'm just going to write how I found out about shifting, introduce myself and things like that.



So, my name is Iva.

Just want to have this bit

I kind of first found out about shifting when my friend told me about it. Then I started doing research and just reading stuff about it. At first I thought it was a basic trend on TikTok, but later I found out that shifting realities is an actual thing.

I was always 'a believer' in tons of things... so it didn't take much reading and research to convince me it is real.

All that started around December 9, 2020.

The only reality I want to shift right now is the fictional reality of Harry Potter.

So, i wrote a script. I'm planning on typing that out on here too.

I wrote my script on a laptop, but I'm planning on printing it, writing it on a paper and in notes on my phone (it's a lot, i know hahahah).

I tried to shift a few times.

I used these methods, usually combining some of them:
- raven method
- julia method (non sleeping method)
- alice in wonderland method
- the hug method

The raven method didn't really work that good for me because I couldn't fall asleep after counting.

The julia method was the one I got really close with, and I recommend that one... in my opinion, it's quite similar to the raven method (except the thing that it's a non sleeping method) so it's pretty easy.

I combined the alice in wonderland method with the raven method one time... first i did the counting which is a part of the raven method, and then I did the alice in wonderland method. That one didn't really get me close.

I only tried the hug method once and, for me, it was kind of hard to concentrate on the things you're supposed to concentrate on when doing that one.

So the julia method had the best results for me.

I don't really have a special routine before shifting or anything like that, but when I plan on shifting I just make sure to not get too stressed about things before that i guess... 'cause you need an 'empty' and calm mind for that.

That's basically it for the introduction.


- iva, xx

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