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I wrote this while making an exam please-🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

So its kinda short but im happy with it. ROMANTIC BOYFRIENDS💆‍♀️💆‍♀️

It was a chilly night at the alfreda manor, perfect sleeping environment...wel, except for elas. Elas could not stop overthinking tonight. You see, the day before elas and akkar had a long talk about everything and nothing which lead to akkar telling elas alpha used to have a girlfriend named delta. The idea of alpha with someone else did not leave his mind ever since. It was around 3:45 am now. Elas was sitting up in bed, stealing worried glances at a sleeping alpha next to him from time to time. That is, until he feels something rub his back. He looks behind him and alpha opens his arms for elas to lay into.

"What's up pup?" The sleepy voice of alpha asked, playing with elas's hair. He looked at alpha. "How did you know something was wrong?"

"I can smell your worrying in my dream, what's bothering you" alpha comforted. Elas sighed. "Tell me everything about delta" alpha slowly opened his eyes and looked at the boy surprised.

"How do you know that name?" He said with a heavy heart.

"Akkar told me, can you please tell me?" Elas pouted. Alpha took a shakey breath before grabbing onto elas even tighter. "So, delta is my ex girlfriend" Elas chuckled.

"Yeah i knew that much"

"I bet you did" alpha said rolling his eyes thinking about akkar. "We were dating when i was around...17-18 and she was my first love. We were really happy together until one day she turned on me. She told me i was worthless, even said I couldn't satisfy her and she could get way better than me. Those words have haunted me for ages. After delta there was never anybody else. I completely gave up on love. That is, until i met a certain prince with bright yellow eyes" alpha sniffed and giggled at his boyfriend at the last part. Elas smiled up at alpha and caressed his face.

"Im so sorry for asking. I must've opened up old wounds" elas sighed.

"No no no! Its alright! Im happy now, with you...because of that heartbreak i found my soulmate" alpha said looking at elas. Elas smiled and kissed his boyfriend.

"By the way," elas started after the kiss. "Did she know about your wolf side? Or your scar?" Elas softly put his hand on alpha's scar. Alpha smiled at him as he put his hand over elas's.

"No, you were the first one to ever know about that darling" elas smiled up at him and connected their lips once more.

"I love you" Elas whispered. Alpha kissed elas's forehead.

"I love you too pup" he whispered back.

"Though, i do feel bad about asking you all this....is there some way to make it up to you?" Elas asked. Alpha raised an eyebrow.

"Make it up to me? You didn't do anything?"

Elas rolled his eyes and kissed alpha deeply. After he pulled away he saw alpha looking surprised. "Oh...like that" he said as Elas nodded.

"Pup, you just had a breakdown, you should get some rest" alpha said caressing his cheek.

"But i need you close tonight...i still dont feel great" elas pouted. Alpha chuckled at his stubborn boyfriend.

"Then ill hold you close all night" he smiled. Elas smiled back before leaning in to give alpha a goodnight kiss. He kissed his scar too, making alpha smile.

"Goodnight alphie" elas said resting his head against alpha's and holding him by the neck.

"Goodnight your majesty" alpha said holding onto elas's waist. And just like that the two were sound asleep as close as could be. Alpha couldnt decide wether to hate or thank akkar.

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