chapter 1 first born (part 1)

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It was the years for the snow storm come out the from minnesota from the forest.
The egg was look shiver while storm getting worst
And the arzon's mother named frinda she look sick and protecting her egg while for keeping
while she waiting to her mate.

Frinda (arzon's mother): where are you ...

Perrez (arzon's father): honey i'm here, sorry you keep waiting how's our egg?

Frinda: he's fine the egg is... fine *cough* *cough*

Perrez: honey... are you ok?

Frinda: i...i'm fine its ok perrez.

Perrez: look honey... ypu feeling not ok... maybe i'll keep it watm our first egg will be hatch...

Frinda: nono honey... i'll take care of it...

Perrez: oh...

Frinda: of course, honey but i'll be ok while

Perrez: are you sure. You look not feeling well, why you just take a rest i'll take care our son.

Frinda: no no its ok i'm fine, don't worry about it.

Perrez: are you sure?

Frinda: yes...

Perrez: ok... i'll find some fruit for you.

Frinda: ok.

Perrez went outside again for looking some fruit for feeding frinda
He doesn't know what she like her favorite fruit.

(10 minutes later)
And now perrez return to his tree while he got some fruit and then...

Perrez: honey i'm home sorry for keep waiting but i brought som-

While perrez brought his fruit and he stop... and he drop the mango.
And then frinda is doesn't wake.

Perrez: frinda... frinda it can't be frinda wake up please, frinda no no No! FRINDAAAA!

Perrez is crying while somethings happen to frinda and now... she passed away.

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