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❝are you enjoying the view you're getting? ❞


night came slower and slower; minutes felt like hours. butters grew impatient, he was waiting for his next heinous deed, he wanted to blow up a shop in town. purely because he wanted to and could do. he knew for a fact he that there was going to be people severely injured or even dead in the outcome. but why should he care? it's what really made him a villain, it was the fact that he couldn't care less.

the best feeling leo ever had was walking down the streets, intimidating everyone who crossed paths. running away, screaming as he calmly walked along the pavements. people in their cars increasing their speed and driving much more dangerously. making a pathway to misery for themselves.

but the most wonderful feeling of all was annoying the heroes. mysterion specifically, every fights were heavenly to the blonde.
the fabric was really annoying though, he'd love the feeling when he would brush his fingers against the hero's arms; leading the touching into physical anger. butters sometimes wished that the fabric wasn't in the way, it was a wish he wasn't so sure on why he wanted it so badly.

he would occasionally do the most stupidest things to catch the mysterious person's attention. making the masked boy disappointed or fill with pure rage. chaos was such a tease to him.

"butters." his mother starts, her tone silk. walking into the boy's room without notice. knocking him out of his trance.

"dinner is ready, i called you before but you seem to be out of it. come downstairs." she smiled warmly before shutting the door. probably to go prepare the plates out, tea was never ready when he actually came downstairs to feast.

"okay." he answers loudly, hoping she could hear him.

he decided get up after a few minutes of just laying around on his bed. it gets boring after a while of looking at your ceiling. he's awfully bad at keeping track of his thoughts, his minds almost all over the place.

he sighed as he slowly made his way downstairs, noticing his father's disappearance, the tension in the room was always better when he wasn't around. butters sat at the table, seeing his knife and fork was already prepared.

"where's.. dad?" he spoke up, cringing at the use of such a supposed  loving word.

"out." she sighed, obviously it wasn't a good out. linda placed leo's dinner in front of him, hinting that the conversation was over. her son hummed, in both agreement or a thank you.

"it looks really good." he speaks up, trying to get rid of the awkwardness around the table, "i love the food you make."

his mum giggled lightly after swallowing her chewed up food, "good. now start eating, it's not all for show." she smiled, cutting up some meat.

he forced a laugh.

the two eventually ended up talking about funny past stories and the news going around, "butters.." she starts, grabbing the male's attention. he hummed for her to continue, "you should be careful going out at dark. i've heard that chaos guy is attacking innocent citizens a lot more now."

leo tensed, "i will.. i'm with my friends when i go out anyway." he lied.

"good, you can all protect each other." she lifted up her empty plate, "finished?"

"yeah. thank you for dinner, mom." he says, tucking his chair into the table. she smiles satisfied whilst taking the plates to the kitchen.

he runs up the stairs to his bedroom almost immediately, back hitting the mattress. he shivers at the new found coldness of the sheets.
butters picked up his phone from his bedside table and texted dougie,

| hey doug!
| what's the plan for tonight, do you know?

dougie replied fairly quickly,

| hi butters. didn't you mention a shop downtown earlier? we could go there if you want.
| i'm setting up some stuff now, thinking of testing them.

| sounds great! excited to see how they go :)

| me too. meeting up at the usual?

| absolutely! i may be a little late due to my father actually.. do you have a spare key?

dougie's speech bubble comes and goes for a little while, until he sent leo his final message.

| thats fine
| i was going to arrive there early anyway, take you're time. we're not rushing or anything-
| cya there

leo smiled as he plays mindlessly on his phone, something to distract him from reality. he put some music on for a little while, staring at the ceiling ir at the window while he rests his head sideways. he wonders if most of his life consisted of doing nothing but staring at his dimly lit room.

a few hours have passed and he can hear his mother mumbling on the other side of the wall, presumably helping his drunk father up the stairs, "you need to stop drinking so much.." the softer voice said.
"don't tell me what to do, you stupid bitch. you don't know what i go through." stephen slurred on his words, obviously not aware of what he is saying, butters just wanted to punch him, he may be intoxicated but he didn't want his father talk to someone so nice and caring.

linda winced, "ofcourse. let's go to bed."

leo sat up, putting is phone on charge as he leant on the other side of the bed, pretending to fall asleep whilst he heard his father grunting. probably wanting to throw up after drinking 'with the boys.' he grimaced at the thought, he found vomiting abhorrent. who wouldn't find it absolutely vile?

time passed by degrees, leo trying his hardest to not fall asleep. his dad would always sleep early, considering he was intoxicated, his mother took sleeping pills, to help her sleep of course. butters had to admit, he was scared of waking up one day and his mother being passed; of overdose. but deep, deep down he knew, his mother doesn't have the guts to leave her son behind, nor her husband. despite his hurtful ways. though there was just a little anxious spirit trying to engulf him, telling leo all these bad things. he is convinced he hears voices, but never says that to anyone, they would think he is deranged.

he twisted his body slightly, paranoid about the sheet movements. he was incensed, butters couldn't understand why everything had to be so loud at that moment. he grabbed his phone, unplugging it, prudently, letting it fall on the carpet. in return, it made a soft thud, unnoticeable to others, very loud to butters. which lead to him making a strange face in response.

currently, as he checked his phone, it was quarter past one, he had been trying to fake sleep for nearly two and a half hours. surely, it would be safe to go now.


"there you are!" the ginger smiled brightly, his goggled shining in the light as he put his tools down. chaos smirked, "disarray, nice to see you. i apologise for my late arrival."

disarray waved his hand up and down, signalling that it was okay, "i've tested out the bombs, they're all ready." chaos nodded, his blonde hair bouncing slowly, "whilst you're doing your little thing, i'll be bringing my new inventions. after i have tested them too, of course." disarray pointed at his little junkyard piling in the corner, obviously not organised yet, chaos was very patient with his partner. but it did trigger that little ocd in him.

chaos clapped with hands together lightly, the fingerless, metal gloves clinking. he also wore black opera-length gloves underneath. just so he wouldn't burn himself too much whilst using his lightning power, also because it goes with his sleeveless turtleneck top. he liked to keep his fashion on top of the game, although it wasn't much to show off, "alright, bet mysterion will be after me, don't you?" he winked.

"there's no doubt, sir. he hates your guts." he smiled lightly, packing the bombs away carefully; specifically putting them in chaos' little bag he sometimes carries around with him. it hung on his shoulder, chaos having easier access to it.

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