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So the ranking of world championships are
Leon- 1
Ash - 2
Lance- 5(champion of Kanto and jhoto)
Stevan- 6
Cynthia -3
Diantha- 4
Alain- 8 (this would be and interesting match)
Bea and korrina- Somewhere in top 20
Kiawe- top 30
Paul and Sawyer - Top 20
Trip- 64(most unworthy rival of ash for me atleast)
Fact the Champions and frontier brains Are not required to be in top 64 they qualify ash they have already proved themselves .

Brendan is the only frontier brain who decided to participate.

Biggest Deal of This Tournament Is That
The Champion Of Alola Is Going To Be Revealed To The world. (No one knows who is the champ except alola people and they too also kep it a secret. )

So First chapter is going to be an Amourshipping Confession Chapter
And my book is gonna be a slow one so please bare with me i may upload once a week.Hopefully You like the story .I also may upload twice or trice a day.

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