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Anu- Now I request Ash Ketchum to come on stage and say a few words.

Ash goes towards the stage and starts his speech.

Ash- Thankyou everyone who all were here to support me in this whole tournament. I am really glad that I was finally able to beat Leon.  I was really a wild ride for me in last 1 year from join the Pokémon World Championships and from beginning in normal class to become no 2 ranked trainer after Leon. I had support of my friends and family. Now As I am the world monarch I assure you all that I will keep protecting the world and keep everyone out of danger. But before that my one main Goal is still remaining and that is batteling the current world champion. I know he will be there for award function which will take place in Alola. There I am gonna Challenge him for his title I hope you all will be there in the Manalo stadium, The Place where I was crowned as Alolan Champion that place have a special place in my heart. And every keep chasing your dreams and - NEVER GIVE TILL IT'S OVER.

Anu - What a amazing speech by Our new monar....

He was cut by ash.

Ash- Mr. Announcer is the the event telecasted worldwide.

Anu- Yes.

Ash- Ok. So guys I want someone to be on stage now. So Please Ms Serena Youvone can you come on stage.

After few mins Serena comes on stage.

Serena - Ash what do you want me to do?

Ash suddenly gets on his knees holding and box in his hand.

Ash- Serena you have a special place in my heart and I love you more than anything and I want to spend my entire life with you So serena will you Marry me.

Everyone in the stadium was shocked.

At Ash's House-

Delia was screaming in shock and was happy at the same time.
Same was the condition of grace.

In stands with Ash's friends-
Brock- He literally proposed her in front of whole world.
Misty- That's Ash For you.
Bonnie- I am too much happy for them.
Gary- Ashy boy sure has some guts.
Lille- Hope you will also able to do that sometime which is not possible though 😉.
Gary- Hey (blushing too much hard)
Everyone- When did this happened.

Champions Room-
Leon- He sure has some guts.
Diantha- Steven I hope you will do same for me.
Steven- Are you kidding me we decided to keep our relationship secret until marriage and now you are asking me to do something like that. It's not that I don't want to do it but it's too much hard for me.
Diantha blushed too much after last sentence.

Same happened with Cynthia and Lance.

Leon- (in his mind)- I should ask Sonia too and now I will have more time for her as I am not monarch anymore.

Back on stage-

Serena was standing stage in complete shock. After I min she Screamed -


The whole stadium congratulates the couple and Ash and Company go to the hotel.

Ash- Thanks everyone for supporting me in the tournament.
Brock- No problem bro we always believe in you and congratulations on your engagement. And guys I also want to share something.

Misty- And what is that.
Brock and Olivia- we are also engaged.

Everyone congratulated them and whole ash and gang enjoyed the whole night.

Meanwhile in Kalos-

Grace called Delia and said her that she is coming to Pallet Town and asked her if there is place she can live. To which Delia replied that she will live in her house as she is mother in law of ash and family should stay together. Grace Accepted this and both made a plan to Surprise Ash and Serena.

With Ash and Serena-
A- So sere are you ready to go to our house.
S- Yes Ashy lets go . But ashy will ours mothers Accepte our engagement.
A- If they hadn't Aceppted it we would have got calls about what we did was wrong.
S- Thanks Ashy you always give me confidence. Now lets go to our house.

In Pallet Town
S- So ash where is our house.
Ash points at the house and serena gets exited to go there.

The reach the house and ash rings the bell and holds hand of serena.

A- Mom I am home.

Delia opens the door and gives ash and serena a bone crushing hug.
A/s - Mom/Mrs. Ketchum can't breathe.
D- Sorry dear. And serena pls call me mom from now on.
S- ok mom.

Then they get inside the living room to again get a bone crushing hug but this time from Grace.

S/A- Mom/ Mrs. Youvone can't breathe.
G- Sorry dears. And ash please call me mom only afterall we are family now.
A- yes mom.
D- who is up for the food.
A- I am born ready.

Serena and grace laugh a little by ash reaction.

And they all have dinner and Decide to sleep.

Delia goes in ger room and grace goes to guest room and finally ash and serena go to their room.

Serena is dumbstruck to see a whole cupboard of Ash's achievements and was proud of her fiancee.

A- So sere do you like your new room.
S- yes ashy.
A- We will get the bed changed by 2 days which will big for both of us. So today u am sleeping on floor you take the bed.
S- no ash we will sleep together and if we sleep to close to each other we will easily fit on the bed.
A- As your wish highness.

After few flirting ash and serena sleeps while cuddling each other.

So guys I hope that you liked the chapter. I am looking forward for writing next chapter and it will be mostly related to red and his elites.
So few info about next chapter characters-
Red- Ash's Father.
John 3ed elite- Serena's Father
Blue- 2nd elite- Gary's Father
Leaf- 4th elite- Gary's Mother
(Sorry burningleaf shippers )

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