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theo nott opened the door to his room after getting a text from el to come open it, "you really came?" he asked, confused.

she shrugged, "nothing better to do, so why not come bother draco."

she walked past theo and ran and jumped on draco's bed, "leave me alone adrian." he grumbled.

"for someone to be top of our class you really are dumb."

he pulled his cover off his head, "what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice deep.

"i came to see if you wanted to go to the three broomsticks." she said.

she actually hadn't planned on going, she was actually going to say she just came to see theo and was rather shocked by the words that came out of her mouth.

he raised an eyebrow, "i believe you said that you don't like me, why do you want to all of a sudden do stuff."

she shrugged, "come on it'll be fun." she stood up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up with her.

blaise zabini🤠should we

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blaise zabini🤠
should we..
A. follow them
B. leave them alone
C. follow & livestream

theo nott🤑🧚‍♀️
my heart says B but nahhh
i choose C

blaise zabini🤠

blaisezabini has started a live stream

draco and el walking throughout hogsmeade and into the three broomsticks and had just sat down to place an order when el got a notification about what blaise was doing.

@elise has joined the livestream

request to join Elise+Draco Date LIVE!!
👁187                    ❤️2598

"oh fuck, theo, el joined"
blaise said turning to look at the boy to
the right of him.

theo: hey elise
theo said, giving a small wave and turning
to blaise, panic clear in his eyes.

blaise: how are you on this fine evening
blaise asked, clearing his throat and looking
back towards the phone screen in front of him.

theo: would you like us to guest you
you can join for a moment if you'd
theo offered the girl who was still viewing
the livestream from beside draco.

elise has joined the stream

elise: blaise and theo if you don't go back
to your dorms, when i return i'll
take your wands for a month
she scolded the boys, leaving the guest
option and turning her phone off to
return her attention to the blonde boy
beside her.

theo: yes ma'am
*whispers* blaise end the stream
theo looked to the boy, who was an inch
taller than him in panic.

blaise: no-

theo: end it now , right now

blaise: yes sir

Elise+Draco Date LIVE!!
has ended

total viewers- 187
total likes- 2598
money earned- 4 galleons

sorry guys this chapter
kind of sucks, i didn't
really know how to write
the live stream part,
i hope it wasn't to confusing.

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