elise posted 21 minutes ago ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵒʳ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ

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@elise posted 21 minutes ago
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@elise posted 21 minutes ago like - comment

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pansyp wife
elise i adore u

dracomalfoy cute
elise <3

theonott god damnnnnn 🤩🤩
elise marry me rn

blaisezabini goddess
elise no u

adrianpucey my wife
elise u wish

oliverwood 🤩🤩
elise :))

oliverwood check dm's
elise i- yes sir

oliverwood check dm's        ↳ elise i- yes sir

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hey elise :)


long time no see

u were literally here
last year what

yea it's been like a
fucking year tho

i see ur verified now

yup thanks to quidditch

lmao i've watched some
of your games ur doing

thanks :)

so why dm me now

i'm coming to visit
for a little while and
was thinking maybe we
could meet up to
catch up ?

for sure lmk when

el😈guess who just dm'ed me holy fuck

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guess who just
dm'ed me holy fuck

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