1. Sophie POV

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"Come on!" I yelled at the ATM that wouldn't give me my money. "Dex, that ATM is broken!" 

Dex shook his head, clearly exasperated with my naivety. "No, Sophie. You aren't using it the right way. You gotta push this button," he said, punching the screen, "then push this one. After that, enter these numbers, then it should come out." 

Sure enough, three 20 dollar bills were ejected from the slot. "Thanks," I told him sheepishly. 

We made our way through Barnes and Noble. Today was our day off from Foxfire High, and we wanted to get out of our dorms.

 "Ooh! Look, Sophie! Cookies! Can we get some?" Dex pointed at the bakery section. "Sure, why not." 

As we were weaving our way through the crowd of people, I spotted a head that I recognized. "Linh? That you?" I asked the girl hiding behind a stack of books. 

Sure enough, Linh's pink-cheeked face popped up from behind the tall pile-up of novels. 

"Yep! Hi Sophie! Hey Dex! What are you doing here?" 

"The same as you, I guess," I told her. "We wanted to get out of the dorms. It was getting kind of boring anyways." 

Linh smiled. "Yeah." I noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Tam?" 

Linh mock-frowned. "At the Hot Topic store across the street. Biana's with him. She's the only one of us who can stand that dark place. Tam's probably doing some 'shady emo stuff'." She said the last part in a whisper to emphasize the fact that he was probably letting Biana pick him out a new outfit. 

Dex laughed as he took the cookies from the cashier. "Whatcha reading?" 

Linh held up her book, titled The Lost Hero. "The Lost Hero, by Rick Riordan. It's amazing! You should really check out the Percy Jackson series. Then read the Heroes of Olympus series," she shook the book in her hand. "And then after, read the Trials of Apollo series, and the Magnus Chase series..." Linh droned on about her books.  

"Sounds good. Maybe I'll check it out sometimes," I told her. "Anyways, I don't want to bother you any longer. I'm going to go and look at some books." Linh smiled again and waved, then continued reading.

I strolled over to the fantasy novels. While scanning the shelves for a good book to buy, I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind. 

"Looking for a book, Foster?" 

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