2. Keefe POV

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Sophie sank into my strong embrace and continued to search the shelves. 

"Yep. How did you know I was here anyways?" she asked me. 

I let go and spun her around, my hands resting on my girlfriend's shoulders. 

"I had nothing much to do at Foxfire anyways. I figured I'd follow you and Dex and see where you were going," I told Sophie. 

"Without telling us? That's legit creepy. Like, really creepy. Don't tell me you're going to get all possessive like Fitz was." 

At the name of her ex, I internally winced. He was my best friend- until he broke Sophie's heart. 

"You know I would never. You see, I was simply bored, Foster." 

She smiled. "I was joking. Are you gonna help me pick out a book?" 

I bowed formally. "Of course, m'lady. What novel shall thou fair maiden wish for this fine day?" 

Sophie playfully slapped my arm, clearly enjoying my joking nature. 

"Fine, fine. How about this one?" I held up a 2-inch thick book with vampires on the cover. Sophie scrunched up her nose in a rather adorable way. 

"Nah. I was thinking more like, a romance story," she told me. I raised my eyebrows. "What?" she asked me. I smiled at her, shaking my head. "You are full of surprises, Miss F." 

With that, I pushed Sophie's hair behind her ear and kissed her gently. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I tilted my head, kissing her deeper, when someone cleared their voice behind us. 

"Excuse me? Not to interrupt Sokeefe smooching, but I've already picked out a few books," Dex said. 

We  pulled apart, and Sophie's cheeks were flushed. 

"Sorry Dex," Sophie told her best friend. "Let's go."

We headed out of the store after Sophie paid for a random paperback she had picked up.

"Hey! There's Tam!" Sophie was looking at Hot Topic across the street from which Tam and Biana had emerged. 

"Hi Sophie!" Biana screamed, despite the roar of the ongoing cars. 

The girls had a small reunion session in the middle of the crosswalk. 

Tam was glaring at me in a hostile way. "Hey Tam! Went shopping, I see?" 

I gestured to the bag of stuff he had carried out of the store. 

"Yeah," Tam muttered. "You know Biana." 

I nodded. We both knew that Biana could get a little carried away while shopping. 

"I like your new outfit. It's cool," I told Tam. He had new converse, which were the same style as his old ones,  but his shirt was different.

 Tam had traded out his MCR Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge t-shirt for a Green Day t-shirt. 

Tam was such an emo kid. All he did was talk to Biana, visit Hot Topic, played video games, and blasts heavy metal. Not that the bands he listens to are bad, of course. I love the bands. Don't tell Tam I said that though. 

Tam had also had a new oversized black hoodie, probably which Biana would steal. We all knew that they liked each other. They were practically dating, but it wasn't official- yet. 

"Thanks. But I see that your style still needs some work," Tam told me. 

I put a hand to my heart, offended. My reply was cut off by Sophie grabbing my arm and pulling me along as she and Biana continued to talk. 

"I see I am the one left out again," Dex said drily. He noticed it too- there were two couples, and then there was Dex. 

"Hey! You're the only sensible one in this group. We need you more than you know," I reassured him. 

Dex rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, you need me." 

Sophie and Biana turned to Tam, Dex, and I. 

"Tam? Can we go get some lunch? I'm starvinggggg," Biana complained. 

Tam's face brightened, and he took Biana's hand. "Of course, B." 

As they walked ahead of us, Sophie and I shared a knowing smile. 

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